cusisom / East-Asia-Morphometrics

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Nice start! #1

Open mbutler808 opened 1 year ago

mbutler808 commented 1 year ago

Very nice, well organized repo! Great start!

In your Rawdata or Data readme, it would be good to add a line for each data file breifly describing what it contains (e.g., just cut and paste what you have in your code README where you describe the input files.

Looks iike this is 3D landmark data? If so that would be good to say. Is there a description of the landmarks? Would be good to add.

Looks like you are missing some files for your R script to run, but I assume youʻll add them soon.

I see you have a table of landmarks in your Analysis.html output. You could point people to read the landmark definitions there on your readme. Alternatively, you could create a .docx or .pdf with the landmark table and point people to that file. That might be most convenient.

If you want to make multiple versions, in your YAML, instead of

output: html_document


  html: default
  pdf: default

You will probably have to install TinyTex as well to convert the LaTeX to pdf. From the command line, type:

quarto install tinytex


cusisom commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this feedback. I've made some of the edits you suggested. It looks like I will need to also install XeLaTex to update my outputs. Does this sound correct? I also pushed through my datadictionary as a .csv. I'm not sure what code you are referring to for my script. I sourced it with no issue. Is it not running on your end?

cusisom commented 1 year ago

Important. I'm not sure what my next step is. I think that I will need to transform my .csv data into a .tps file to do any work in geomorph but I cannot figure out how to do this. I realize that this approach is different than what we went over with digitizing landmarks in class. I feel like if I can get this data into an array I should be able to analyze it appropriately. Any insight you could provide would be great. Thank you.