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Project 2 assessment #9

Open mbutler808 opened 1 year ago

mbutler808 commented 1 year ago

Project Rubric

Your audience is the user, members of the general public who may want to use your data and/or code. To be useful, your code and documentation must be clear to naive users (people familiar with R, but not with this project).


  1. Your github repo, organized following the project template.
  2. Your modified code, quarto, and README files, organized in the repo.
  3. Your output files (any requested output, i.e., .csv, .html, .docx, .pdf files) in their proper places in the repo.
Criteria Evaluation Scoring Comments
Right Code runs without Error - Must be YES 0/10
Code produces correct output 1-5
Readable Code is readable (good use of white space, etc.) 1-5
Code is understandable (good naming conventions, concise informative comments)
Reproducible READMEs document project organization 1-5
READMEs list contents of each directory
READMEs explain the order to run the code/quarto in order to reproduce analysis
Aesthetics Files are free of unnecessary clutter (assignment instructions, etc.) 1-5
Code is elegant (not required, but a bonus)

Excellent work Danny! You have far exceeded what was required for Project 2. Now I see why you were so stressed out, you didnʻt have to do that much work. I just wanted a simple demonstration of directly answering your questions, and only 3, and you didnʻt have to write so much. I am not grading you on your writing nor your knowledge of statstiscs (although I may give you come comments FYI).


  1. Very through exploration of of the role of sexual dimorphism and species morphometric differences.
  2. Excellent visualizations of multivariate variation. Your multi-panel figures are both beautiful and informative.
  3. Great use of violin plots!
  4. Nice discoveries of new packages and their implementation.
  5. Nice walk through of your thought process and demonstration with figures/tables.
  6. Cute photos! Nice background research (although it wasnʻt necessary for this assignment :)

Need to improve:


  1. Minor error on exploratory_analysis.pdf (issue #6), referring to the original b1 prior to the Group_by.
  2. Template repo (#8) - Andreas Handl has nothing to do with Palmer Penguins! Which you can easily see by looking at it. You should aslo acknowledge the repo that I created (and which you cloned from!). I mentioned this in Project 1.


  1. You should provide rendered files for the user to look at when they get to your repo. Your .html and .docx were not rendered (they were the template versions, not yours). If you did this, you might have caught your errors.
  2. Junk files left lying around og_exploratory_analysis.qmd - how is the user supposed to know what to look at? In any case you should not include unnecessary files. It adds clutter and confusion.


  1. Do not duplicate lines of code in multiple files. (#5). More difficult maintenance, easier to make errors, reduces reproducibility.
  2. Error on Manuscript.qmd that halts execution (#7). There is a reference to a missing table. Please check before you submit. No output generated.

Grade: 30/30 because you went above and beyond here. However, for future, please be sure to stick to the values of the assignment.

What was asked for:
Produce a small demonstration of clean code that executes flawlessly.

What you produced:
Wrote a huge and complex system of codes and quarto files that dug deeper than necessary (or you could have just stopped after half the analyses), and ran out of time/energy to check for all errors.

PLEASE DO NOT APOLOGIZE for knowlegdge that is not required for the course (i.e. statistics).

I respectfully suggest that you were so stressed because you made the assignment much bigger than it needed to be. Please calm down. Youʻre doing just great. Donʻt make it harder on yourself with negative self-talk. Youʻre doing great. Please see learning new things as a positive. On that front youʻre doing great. Of course this work is not perfect, but thatʻs not the point! The point is itʻs new and youʻre doing it no exploratory_analysis_commented.pdf w. As a scientist your entire career is about continual learning. No one is born (or comes into a PhD program) knowing everything -- if they did then they certainly wouldnʻt need to waste their time with a degree! lol. I hope this makes sense.

I have left comments for you on the Issues tab, as well as marked up pdfs of your work that I generated. Manuscript_commented.pdf exploratory_analysis_commented.pdf