cuspaceflight / bamboo

Cooling system modelling for liquid rocket engines.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Ability to add fudge factor to gas side thermal resistance #28

Closed dug20 closed 3 years ago

dug20 commented 3 years ago

Experience from modelling the Vulcain shows that heat transfer rates are overpredicted by bamboo - and I think it's likely due to the gas side convective heat transfer resistance being underestimated.


Would be useful for the user to be able to add a "fudge factor" to multiply the gas side resistance by. My initial estimate is that a factor of 1.2 or 1.3 might reasonable, but could just try running the Vulcain simulation in the future to see what fudge factor makes the data match.

dug20 commented 3 years ago
