How can i parse a state formatted as relative_time?
This works great and returns a date/time format:
label: "[[[ return states['binary_sensor.movement_dn_lr_unified'].last_changed ]]]"
If i try to add the relative time (xx minutes ago) like this:
label: "[[[ return relative_time(states['binary_sensor.movement_dn_lr_unified'].last_changed) ]]]"
I get the following error:
ButtonCardJSTemplateError: ReferenceError: relative_time is not defined in 'return relative_time(states['binary_sensor.movement_dn_lr_unified'].last_changed)'
How can i achieve this?
edit: I have done it with the following code for now, but isn't there a simpler solution?
label: >
var currentTimestamp = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000)
var lastTimestamp = Math.floor(new Date(states['binary_sensor.movement_dn_lr_unified'].last_changed).getTime() / 1000)
var timeDiff = currentTimestamp - lastTimestamp
if (timeDiff < 10)
return 'Just now'
else if (timeDiff < 60)
return timeDiff + ' seconds ago'
else if (timeDiff < 120)
return ' 1 minute ago'
else if (timeDiff < 60*60)
return Math.floor(timeDiff/60) + ' minutes ago'
else if (timeDiff < 60*60*2)
return ' 1 Hour ago'
else if (timeDiff < 60*60*24)
return Math.floor(timeDiff/60/60) + ' hours ago'
else if (timeDiff < 60*60*24*2)
return ' Yesterday'
else return Math.floor(timeDiff/60/60/24) +' days ago'
How can i parse a state formatted as relative_time?
This works great and returns a date/time format: label: "[[[ return states['binary_sensor.movement_dn_lr_unified'].last_changed ]]]"
If i try to add the relative time (xx minutes ago) like this: label: "[[[ return relative_time(states['binary_sensor.movement_dn_lr_unified'].last_changed) ]]]"
I get the following error: ButtonCardJSTemplateError: ReferenceError: relative_time is not defined in 'return relative_time(states['binary_sensor.movement_dn_lr_unified'].last_changed)'
How can i achieve this? TiA
edit: I have done it with the following code for now, but isn't there a simpler solution?