custom-cards / spotify-card

Spotify playlist card for Home Assistant card
362 stars 61 forks source link

Grid View Not working #185

Open orangelizard opened 2 years ago

orangelizard commented 2 years ago

When creating the card on list view works, I have put display style: grid in code editor however still no effect.

Kind regards, Jason

antonio1475 commented 1 year ago

Share your code. It's working for me:

      - type: custom:spotify-card
        limit: 9
        account: default
        playlist_type: featured
        country_code: ES
        spotify_entity: media_player.spotify_antonio
        display_style: grid
        grid_covers_per_row: '3'


orangelizard commented 1 year ago

@antonio1475 thank you for that. I still can't figure out what is wrong with mine. However once I copied and pasted yours in and ammended to include my other settings it now works fine. Many thanks for your help much appreciated.

dethcalulator commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem. I guess my limit was just to high.

sderungs commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem. Had to paste YAML config manually into the card. After that it works. However, cannot use the UI editor but have to do everything in the YAML editor (while all other UI editors work fine - so definitely something with the spotify-card)