custom-components / healthchecksio

Update and display the status of your checks.
MIT License
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Point to selfhosted instance of #4

Closed stenso closed 3 years ago

stenso commented 4 years ago can be selfhosted. See the docker image here. I would like to see the ability to point to my hosted url.

eldudemeister commented 4 years ago

I would also be interested in this functionality.

ludeeus commented 4 years ago Will look into it.

markusressel commented 3 years ago

I have done some work to implement this, however, I am facing some weird networking exceptions ([Errno 54] Connection reset by peer). I tend to think that this is a problem of my internal network setup and not one of the implementation, but to be sure it would be great if some of you guys (@stenso @eldudemeister) could try it out on your end (just copy the files over like mentioned in the README) or at least have a look at the code, maybe I did something really stupid I am not aware of.

eldudemeister commented 3 years ago

Sorry not been able to look at this before now. Ive installed the repository in HACS and when I configured in the UI it doesn’t ask for the site root url only the api key and check ID?

markusressel commented 3 years ago

@eldudemeister When checking the "self-hosted" box it should show a second config flow where you can enter the site root.

eldudemeister commented 3 years ago

I don’t have that as an option? Do I need to download a different version? E10761B9-D1AD-4ECD-8FE9-20A2F5800AA5

markusressel commented 3 years ago

Well you need to update the component, via HACS or manually. Maybe the PR is not in the latest release yet and you need to install "master".

eldudemeister commented 3 years ago

Got it thanks, downloaded the master branch and installed manually.