custom-components / sensor.avfallsor

Simple sensor for avfallsor
MIT License
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Combine sensors with the same collection day when data is missing. #9

Open Skeletorjus opened 3 years ago

Skeletorjus commented 3 years ago

The sensor for mixed returns unknown. This is probably because the info is missing on the new site. AFAIK the mixed sensor should be matching with the bio sensor (they get collected every week), so if there's no other option it could be assumed that mixed is the same value as bio.

Hellowlol commented 3 years ago

I can see that the info is missing from your address (your forgot sanitize the code your posted on the last issue, I have removed the address for so it isn't public anymore).

It would be possible to do what your suggest, but I'd rather wait until the dust settles. I don't know what kind of info that will displayed on the website after newyears.

Skeletorjus commented 3 years ago

I agree, best to wait and see. I'll just use the bio sensor for now. Thank you for sanitizing my post.

You can decide whether this should be closed or not.

Hellowlol commented 3 years ago

Ill keep it open :)