custom-ivan / atomic_war

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Suggestions list #14

Open btahkebtahke opened 3 years ago

btahkebtahke commented 3 years ago

hello, please do something with bad heroes(for example, Gyrocopter that has the worst talents on this planet - he needs some attack range talent, atleast/atck spd etc.), because no one wants to pick them and everybody tries playing the same heroes so the winner is the most lucky guy that got good heroes faster. Also, I have some concrete suggestions about your game:

  1. Extend the hero pool of every hero to 18-22(if you do not want to boost the useless heroes) 2.At the same time, make the hero amount larger during the hero/item pick(to 6, for example) so it is possible to find the hero to pick faster and the random will not impact the game so much
  2. Do something with assasins, they are so stupid and dying from every hex/fallen sky on the enemy backline hero EVEN an assasin has bkb to avoid it.
  3. Fix legion commander ultimate with aghs(some suggestions are below): -reduce victory damage; -make cooldown of duel 2x(10sec) - it is still good, but not imbalanced; -damage from the duel opponent's teammates must be higher(60% I guess if now it is 50%);
  4. Delete necro lord - it is the worst one.
  5. Make possible to revert ability on Morphling lord.
  6. Give Alchemist ability more gold and less hp cost(3 gold - 20 hp, for example). The temp of the game is so fast and 2 gold doesn't have any effect.
  7. Make Barathrum lord speed a bit lower, now it is imbalanced.
  8. I could see that the issue about knockback has already been added on this GitHub page, still, please do something with the heroes that are under knockback effect: they must cast spells if they are in the range of the cast.
  9. Add heroes/items, with the dispel ability. OmniKnight ultimate and Aeon disk are so powerful because of inability to dispel it when you are playing as phisycal damage build; I hope this post hasn't been a waste of my time.
zcccc-xxx commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for your suggestion.We will consider your suggestion.But you have to know that some players think that the weak lord actually does not perform badly. We make adjustments based on data. Of course, we will consider redoing or even deleting some of the lords that are not fun.