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New Apple Store changes #248

Closed beqramo closed 3 months ago

beqramo commented 3 months ago

Hi guys,

I'm using your sdk and Apple is throwing errors as you are using some of privacy APIs.

Can you update your ios SDK accordingly?


felipecamposfabel commented 3 months ago

+1 on that. Getting the API privacy message for the NotificationServiceExtension.

According to Apple?

If you use the API in your third-party SDK’s code, then you need to report the API in your third-party SDK’s privacy manifest file. Your third-party SDK can’t rely on the privacy manifest files for apps that link the third-party SDK, or those of other third-party SDKs the app links, to report your third-party SDK’s use of required reasons API. For each executable or dynamic library in an app that uses a required reason API, the bundle that includes the executable or dynamic library needs to include a privacy manifest file that reports the API

Ahmed-CIO commented 3 months ago

Thank you both for calling this one out. It is on our radar as a priority issue to resolve. We should have it sorted out before April.

beqramo commented 3 months ago

@Ahmed-CIO as a suggestion: before closing this, first ticket needs to get resolved.

Also, what is the progress on this? Thanks

Ahmed-CIO commented 3 months ago

@beqramo apologies for the premature closure, you are right. The task is being actively worked on during our current development cycle. Matter of validating the manifest from the relevant stakeholders to ensure we got it covered right before publishing it.

levibostian commented 3 months ago

This has been shipped today.

Install the latest version of the React Native SDK, 3.6.0, in your app. Be sure to run pod update --project-directory=ios after you update the npm packages.

Give it a try and let us know if you encounter problems along the way.

felipecamposfabel commented 3 months ago

Even tho Apple's emails are a bit inconsistent I'm still getting the warnings for:

Do I need to do anything else in my notification extension other than the pod updates?

felipecamposfabel commented 3 months ago

I'll just leave a link about the whole Apple Privacy here, in case someone is facing any issues:

levibostian commented 3 months ago

Sorry you're facing this issue, @felipecamposfabel.

Could you tell me more about PlugIns/NotificationServiceExtension.appex/NotificationServiceExtension? Could you share the code for PlugIns/NotificationServiceExtension.appex? It would also be valuable to see the ios/Podfile and ios/Podfile.lock files.

The SDK only uses NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults and the privacy manifest shipped with the SDK includes this declaration. All of the other warnings are talking about APIs that the SDK does not use.

I am expecting to see other SDKs being used in this code that is causing these errors to show up. Answering my questions would be very helpful here. Thanks!