cutefishos / filemanager

File manager.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Use KDE/Qt/Kdialog for uploading files #28

Open rdrms opened 2 years ago

rdrms commented 2 years ago

When using the included browser (or any other browser/program) the system appears to utilize the GTK+ File Picker.

While this is usable, it lacks many features (such as thumbnail view) and I feel we would be better served by swapping over to the KDE/Qt/kdialog file picker which is much, much better.

This might be an issue with cutefish-session rather than filemanager, I'm not exactly sure where to place this.

Thanks for the great desktop, cheers!

rdrms commented 2 years ago


First, install xdg-desktop-portal-kde, and I think you also need kdialog, as these two combine to form the file picker for non-Qt apps.

sudo apt install kdialog xdg-portal-kde

Then, following the instructions on this site:

Namely, the important steps:

dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP="KDE"
systemctl --user stop xdg-desktop-portal{,-gtk}
pkill -f xdg-desktop-portal

Finally, edit your applications that you wish to use the Qt/KDE filepicker with as follows.

cd /usr/share/applications
sudo vim brave-browser.desktop #example using vim to edit brave's .desktop file

Find all lines that begin with "exec=" and prepend GTK_USE_PORTAL="1" to them, so: This line: Exec=/usr/bin/brave-browser-stable %U Becomes: Exec=GTK_USE_PORTAL="1" /usr/bin/brave-browser-stable %U Note that some applications (especially browsers) have multiple lines for new windows and incognito ones, be sure to edit each line (there were 3 for Brave).

Then, relaunch Brave, et voila:


You'll notice I don't have thubmnails, I'll probably have to grab the KDE component which does that, but that will be another post.

rdrms commented 2 years ago

I installed a few things and I'm not sure which was the kicker, but the deciding factor was going through the dependencies of Dolphin (the KDE filepicker), because the thumbnails worked when it was installed but stopped working when it and dependencies were removed. I went through the dependencies and it seems you don't need dolphin, but "kio-extras" is important, as well as probably "kdegraphics-thumbnailers", further testing would be good to see if simply installing these two packages would be enough to enable thumbnails, but they're working now!