The colours I've added to puzzles using facecolors.txt are set up to have similar colours opposite, but there is no way to tell MC4D to use two different colour schemes for two different puzzles. For example, {6}x{4} and {5}x{5} read the same line of colours, but while this produces what I wanted on the {6}x{4}, the {5}x{5} is a mess, which makes solving unpleasant. Perhaps adding the puzzle's schlafli symbol at the front of the colour line?
The colours I've added to puzzles using facecolors.txt are set up to have similar colours opposite, but there is no way to tell MC4D to use two different colour schemes for two different puzzles. For example, {6}x{4} and {5}x{5} read the same line of colours, but while this produces what I wanted on the {6}x{4}, the {5}x{5} is a mess, which makes solving unpleasant. Perhaps adding the puzzle's schlafli symbol at the front of the colour line?