Open ioolkos opened 7 years ago
In contrast to #25 which contained a command to reproduce the [SOLVER ERROR]
this issue does not. Why?
Point taken, I wasn't helpful.
I conclude that SOLVER ERRORS are unexpected behaviour that I can do something about. To me right now, they might have been expected behaviour as well, telling me that solver possibilities are exhausted or my code is stupid... :)
Well such errors generally indicate an internal error of the tool. In such cases, please provide a small example that triggers this behaviour so we can debug it.
One point I was trying to make with my previous post in this thread is that if you look deeply into #25 you will see that that issue was fixed. This was possible because there was a concrete example to reproduce and debug this.
Thanks for your remarks! I'm currently not able to transform this to a small example, so I'll close this now and will get back with specific contained examples as I find them.
Just to be transparent, the following was my original issue. Of course I do not expect anyone to look into this for me!
➜ vernemq git:(master) ✗ cuter vmq_parser serialise '[<<>>]' -pa /home/afa/Erlang/vernemq/_build/default/lib/*/ebin -d 30 -s 3 -p 3
Testing vmq_parser:serialise/1 ...
WARNING: The spec of {vmq_parser,serialise,1} uses the unsupported type iolist!
It has been generalized to any().
vmq_parser:serialise(<<>>)[SOLVER ERROR] {"python -u /home/afa/Erlang/cuter/priv/ --smt",
Proccess <0.61.0> exited with {{solving,
Shutting down the execution...
Stopping poller <0.57.0>...
Stopping poller <0.58.0>...
Stopping poller <0.59.0>...
xx=== Inputs That Lead to Runtime Errors ===
#1 vmq_parser:serialise(<<>>)
=== BIFs Currently without Symbolic Interpretation ===
Just to be transparent, the following was my original issue. Of course I do not expect anyone to look into this for me!
FYI: This is exactly the type of stuff we want to look into, but we strongly prefer minimized code bases that we can test and experiment with.
This is as far as I managed to zoom in for the SOLVER ERROR above.
cuter minimal1 test '[[<<>>,<<>>,<<>>]]'
-define(HIGHBIT, 2#10000000).
-define(LOWBITS, 2#01111111).
%-spec test4(topic()) -> binary() | iolist().
%test4(Topic) ->
% Var = utf8(vmq_topic:unword(Topic)),
% LenBytes = serialise_len(iolist_size(Var)),
% LenBytes.
% cuter minimal1 test '[[<<>>,<<>>,<<>>]]'
test(Topic) ->
serialise_len(N) when N =< ?LOWBITS ->
<<0:1, N:7>>;
serialise_len(N) ->
<<1:1, (N rem ?HIGHBIT):7, (serialise_len(N div ?HIGHBIT))/binary>>.
utf8(<<>>) -> <<>>;
utf8(undefined) -> <<>>;
utf8(empty) -> <<0:16/big>>; %% for test purposes, useful if you want to encode an empty string..
utf8(IoList) when is_list(IoList) ->
[<<(iolist_size(IoList)):16/big>>, IoList];
utf8(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
<<(byte_size(Bin)):16/big, Bin/binary>>.
Your example program does not make too much sense because the argument of test/1 is not really used anywhere. Still, CutEr should not be crashing in programs, independently of whether these programs make sense or not.
Anyway, a smaller version of your program appears below:
%% ./cuter minimal test '[42]' -r
test(_) ->
utf8(IoList) when is_list(IoList) ->
[<<(iolist_size(IoList)):16>>, IoList].
serialise_len(N) when N =< 2#0111 ->
<<0:1, N:7>>.
Still, CutEr should not be crashing in programs, independently of whether these programs make sense or not.
Phew! :)
I'll practice to come up with better "shrinked" examples. I've seen a couple more of those solver errors, so there's room... :)
Hello... This is more of a general question: how should one go about solver errors?
Is there something I can do about it? (change parameters/input/source code?) This is possibly similar to ?