When you drag the map and release the mouse click outside the map div, _downLock variable remains at true in interaction object. (Tested on google maps/leaflet/modest maps on http://mapbox.com/wax/)
The ideal would be to use an event like 'mouseleave' to trigger the off function of interaction. But I didn't see this event in bean.js (or I missed it).
mouseenter/mouseleave are proprietary IE events (with partial reimplementations in jQuery). Might be able to work around this situation by binding clicks to the document rather than the map.
Hi, When you drag the map and release the mouse click outside the map div, _downLock variable remains at true in interaction object. (Tested on google maps/leaflet/modest maps on http://mapbox.com/wax/)
The ideal would be to use an event like 'mouseleave' to trigger the off function of interaction. But I didn't see this event in bean.js (or I missed it).