cvanaret / Uno

A next-gen solver for nonconvex optimization. Uno is a Lagrange-Newton solver that unifies barrier and SQP methods in a modern and generic way, and implements different globalization flavors (line search/trust region and merit function/filter method/funnel method). Competitive against filterSQP, IPOPT, SNOPT, MINOS and CONOPT.
MIT License
257 stars 19 forks source link

Failures from MINLPTests #34

Open odow opened 2 days ago

odow commented 2 days ago

I'm running Uno over our standard test-set:

I'll extract some reproducible examples of failures for you to investigate.

Actually, I think all these failures stem from the same problem. The first comment has the simplest reproducible example.

The error appears to be The inertia correction got unstable (delta_w > threshold)

odow commented 2 days ago
julia> using JuMP, AmplNLWriter, Uno_jll

julia> begin
           model = Model() do
               return AmplNLWriter.Optimizer(Uno_jll.amplexe; directory = "/tmp/uno")
           set_attribute(model, "preset", "ipopt")
           set_attribute(model, "linear_solver", "MUMPS")
           @variable(model, x)
           @objective(model, Min, x)
           @constraint(model, x >= 2)
Model /tmp/uno/
- AMPL_write_solution_to_file = yes
- BQPD_kmax = 500
- BQPD_print_subproblem = no
- LP_solver = BQPD
- LS_backtracking_ratio = 0.5
- LS_min_step_length = 5e-7
- LS_scale_duals_with_step_length = yes
- QP_solver = BQPD
- TR_activity_tolerance = 1e-6
- TR_aggressive_decrease_factor = 4
- TR_decrease_factor = 2
- TR_increase_factor = 2
- TR_min_radius = 1e-7
- TR_radius = 10.
- TR_radius_reset_threshold = 1e-4
- armijo_decrease_fraction = 1e-8
- armijo_tolerance = 1e-9
- barrier_damping_factor = 1e-5
- barrier_default_multiplier = 1
- barrier_initial_parameter = 0.1
- barrier_k_epsilon = 10
- barrier_k_mu = 0.2
- barrier_k_sigma = 1e10
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k1 = 1e-2
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k2 = 1e-2
- barrier_regularization_exponent = 0.25
- barrier_small_direction_factor = 10.
- barrier_smax = 100
- barrier_tau_min = 0.99
- barrier_theta_mu = 1.5
- barrier_update_fraction = 10
- constraint_relaxation_strategy = feasibility_restoration
- convexify_QP = false
- dual_regularization_fraction = 1e-8
- enforce_linear_constraints = no
- filter_beta = 0.99999
- filter_capacity = 50
- filter_fact = 1e4
- filter_gamma = 1e-8
- filter_sufficient_infeasibility_decrease_factor = 0.9
- filter_switching_infeasibility_exponent = 1.1
- filter_type = standard
- filter_ubd = 1e4
- function_scaling_factor = 100
- function_scaling_threshold = 100
- funnel_beta = 0.9999
- funnel_fact = 1.5
- funnel_gamma = 0.001
- funnel_kappa = 0.5
- funnel_require_acceptance_wrt_current_iterate = no
- funnel_ubd = 1.0
- funnel_update_strategy = 1
- globalization_mechanism = LS
- globalization_strategy = waechter_filter_method
- hessian_model = exact
- l1_constraint_violation_coefficient = 1000.
- l1_relaxation_decrease_factor = 10.
- l1_relaxation_epsilon1 = 0.1
- l1_relaxation_epsilon2 = 0.1
- l1_relaxation_fixed_parameter = no
- l1_relaxation_initial_parameter = 1.
- l1_relaxation_residual_small_threshold = 1e-12
- l1_small_duals_threshold = 1e-10
- least_square_multiplier_max_norm = 1e3
- linear_solver = MUMPS
- logger = INFO
- loose_tolerance = 1e-6
- loose_tolerance_consecutive_iteration_threshold = 15
- max_iterations = 2000
- nonmonotone_filter_number_dominated_entries = 3
- primal_regularization_decrease_factor = 3.
- primal_regularization_fast_increase_factor = 100.
- primal_regularization_initial_factor = 1e-4
- primal_regularization_lb = 1e-20
- primal_regularization_slow_increase_factor = 8.
- print_solution = no
- progress_norm = L1
- protect_actual_reduction_against_roundoff = yes
- regularization_failure_threshold = 1e40
- regularization_increase_factor = 2
- regularization_initial_value = 1e-4
- residual_norm = INF
- residual_scaling_threshold = 100.
- scale_functions = yes
- scale_residuals = yes
- sparse_format = COO
- statistics_LS_step_length_column_order = 10
- statistics_SOC_column_order = 9
- statistics_TR_radius_column_order = 10
- statistics_barrier_parameter_column_order = 8
- statistics_complementarity_column_order = 105
- statistics_dual_feasibility_column_order = 102
- statistics_funnel_width_column_order = 25
- statistics_major_column_order = 1
- statistics_minor_column_order = 2
- statistics_objective_column_order = 100
- statistics_penalty_parameter_column_order = 5
- statistics_primal_feasibility_column_order = 101
- statistics_print_header_every_iterations = 15
- statistics_regularization_column_order = 21
- statistics_restoration_phase_column_order = 20
- statistics_stationarity_column_order = 104
- statistics_status_column_order = 200
- statistics_step_norm_column_order = 31
- subproblem = primal_dual_interior_point
- switch_to_optimality_requires_linearized_feasibility = no
- switching_delta = 1
- switching_infeasibility_exponent = 2
- threshold_unsuccessful_attempts = 8
- time_limit = inf
- tolerance = 1e-8
- unbounded_objective_threshold = -1e20
Problem /tmp/uno/model.nl_scaled_equalityconstrained_boundrelaxed
2 variables, 1 constraints

- AMPL_write_solution_to_file = yes
- LS_backtracking_ratio = 0.5
- LS_min_step_length = 5e-7
- LS_scale_duals_with_step_length = yes
- armijo_decrease_fraction = 1e-8
- armijo_tolerance = 1e-9
- barrier_damping_factor = 1e-5
- barrier_default_multiplier = 1
- barrier_initial_parameter = 0.1
- barrier_k_epsilon = 10
- barrier_k_mu = 0.2
- barrier_k_sigma = 1e10
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k1 = 1e-2
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k2 = 1e-2
- barrier_regularization_exponent = 0.25
- barrier_small_direction_factor = 10.
- barrier_tau_min = 0.99
- barrier_theta_mu = 1.5
- barrier_update_fraction = 10
- constraint_relaxation_strategy = feasibility_restoration
- dual_regularization_fraction = 1e-8
- filter_beta = 0.99999
- filter_capacity = 50
- filter_fact = 1e4
- filter_gamma = 1e-8
- filter_sufficient_infeasibility_decrease_factor = 0.9
- filter_type = standard
- filter_ubd = 1e4
- function_scaling_threshold = 100
- globalization_mechanism = LS
- globalization_strategy = waechter_filter_method
- l1_constraint_violation_coefficient = 1000.
- least_square_multiplier_max_norm = 1e3
- linear_solver = MUMPS
- logger = INFO
- loose_tolerance = 1e-6
- loose_tolerance_consecutive_iteration_threshold = 15
- max_iterations = 2000
- primal_regularization_decrease_factor = 3.
- primal_regularization_fast_increase_factor = 100.
- primal_regularization_initial_factor = 1e-4
- primal_regularization_lb = 1e-20
- primal_regularization_slow_increase_factor = 8.
- progress_norm = L1
- protect_actual_reduction_against_roundoff = yes
- regularization_failure_threshold = 1e40
- residual_norm = INF
- residual_scaling_threshold = 100.
- scale_functions = yes
- sparse_format = COO
- statistics_LS_step_length_column_order = 10
- statistics_barrier_parameter_column_order = 8
- statistics_complementarity_column_order = 105
- statistics_major_column_order = 1
- statistics_minor_column_order = 2
- statistics_objective_column_order = 100
- statistics_primal_feasibility_column_order = 101
- statistics_print_header_every_iterations = 15
- statistics_regularization_column_order = 21
- statistics_restoration_phase_column_order = 20
- statistics_stationarity_column_order = 104
- statistics_status_column_order = 200
- statistics_step_norm_column_order = 31
- subproblem = primal_dual_interior_point
- switch_to_optimality_requires_linearized_feasibility = no
- switching_delta = 1
- switching_infeasibility_exponent = 2
- threshold_unsuccessful_attempts = 8
- time_limit = inf
- tolerance = 1e-8
- unbounded_objective_threshold = -1e20
│ iter  │ LS iter │ barrier param. │ step length │ phase │ regularization │ step norm    │ objective   │ primal feas.  │ stationarity │ complementarity │ status                 │
│ 0     │ -       │ -              │ -           │ OPT   │ -              │ -            │ 0           │ 2.02          │ 1            │ 0.02            │ initial point          │
│ 1     │ -       │ 0.1            │ -           │ OPT   │ -              │ -            │ -           │ -             │ -            │ -               │ -                      │
│ -     │ -       │ -              │ -           │ -     │ -              │ -            │ -           │ -             │ -            │ -               │ The inertia correction got unstable (delta_w > threshold)│

Uno (LS feasibility_restoration waechter_filter_method primal_dual_interior_point)
Fri Oct 18 13:12:19 2024
Status:                 Failed with suboptimal point
Objective value:            0
Primal feasibility:         2.02
┌ Stationarity residual:        1
└ Complementarity residual:     0.02
┌ Feasibility stationarity residual:    1
└ Feasibility complementarity residual: 0.02
┌ Infeasibility measure:        2.02
│ Objective measure:            0
└ Auxiliary measure:            0.3912023
CPU time:               0.007248s
Iterations:             1
Objective evaluations:          1
Constraints evaluations:        2
Objective gradient evaluations:     2
Jacobian evaluations:           2
Hessian evaluations:            2
Number of subproblems solved:       0
* Solver : AmplNLWriter

* Status
  Result count       : 1
  Termination status : OTHER_LIMIT
  Message from the solver:

* Candidate solution (result #1)
  Primal status      : UNKNOWN_RESULT_STATUS
  Dual status        : NO_SOLUTION
  Objective value    : 0.00000e+00
  Dual objective value : 0.00000e+00

* Work counters
  Solve time (sec)   : 6.81231e-02


shell> cat /tmp/uno/
g3 1 1 0
 1 1 1 0 0 0
 0 1
 0 0
 0 0 0
 0 0 0 1
 0 0 0 0 0
 1 1
 0 0
 0 0 0 0 0
O0 0
0 0
2 2
J0 1
0 1
G0 1
0 1
odow commented 2 days ago
julia> using JuMP, AmplNLWriter, Uno_jll

julia> begin
           model = Model() do
               return AmplNLWriter.Optimizer(Uno_jll.amplexe; directory = "/tmp/uno")
           set_attribute(model, "preset", "ipopt")
           set_attribute(model, "linear_solver", "MUMPS")
           @variable(model, x, start = 1)
           @variable(model, y, start = 2.12)
           @variable(model, z >= 1)
           @objective(model, Min, x * exp(x) + cos(y) + z^3 - z^2)
Model /tmp/uno/
- AMPL_write_solution_to_file = yes
- BQPD_kmax = 500
- BQPD_print_subproblem = no
- LP_solver = BQPD
- LS_backtracking_ratio = 0.5
- LS_min_step_length = 5e-7
- LS_scale_duals_with_step_length = yes
- QP_solver = BQPD
- TR_activity_tolerance = 1e-6
- TR_aggressive_decrease_factor = 4
- TR_decrease_factor = 2
- TR_increase_factor = 2
- TR_min_radius = 1e-7
- TR_radius = 10.
- TR_radius_reset_threshold = 1e-4
- armijo_decrease_fraction = 1e-8
- armijo_tolerance = 1e-9
- barrier_damping_factor = 1e-5
- barrier_default_multiplier = 1
- barrier_initial_parameter = 0.1
- barrier_k_epsilon = 10
- barrier_k_mu = 0.2
- barrier_k_sigma = 1e10
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k1 = 1e-2
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k2 = 1e-2
- barrier_regularization_exponent = 0.25
- barrier_small_direction_factor = 10.
- barrier_smax = 100
- barrier_tau_min = 0.99
- barrier_theta_mu = 1.5
- barrier_update_fraction = 10
- constraint_relaxation_strategy = feasibility_restoration
- convexify_QP = false
- dual_regularization_fraction = 1e-8
- enforce_linear_constraints = no
- filter_beta = 0.99999
- filter_capacity = 50
- filter_fact = 1e4
- filter_gamma = 1e-8
- filter_sufficient_infeasibility_decrease_factor = 0.9
- filter_switching_infeasibility_exponent = 1.1
- filter_type = standard
- filter_ubd = 1e4
- function_scaling_factor = 100
- function_scaling_threshold = 100
- funnel_beta = 0.9999
- funnel_fact = 1.5
- funnel_gamma = 0.001
- funnel_kappa = 0.5
- funnel_require_acceptance_wrt_current_iterate = no
- funnel_ubd = 1.0
- funnel_update_strategy = 1
- globalization_mechanism = LS
- globalization_strategy = waechter_filter_method
- hessian_model = exact
- l1_constraint_violation_coefficient = 1000.
- l1_relaxation_decrease_factor = 10.
- l1_relaxation_epsilon1 = 0.1
- l1_relaxation_epsilon2 = 0.1
- l1_relaxation_fixed_parameter = no
- l1_relaxation_initial_parameter = 1.
- l1_relaxation_residual_small_threshold = 1e-12
- l1_small_duals_threshold = 1e-10
- least_square_multiplier_max_norm = 1e3
- linear_solver = MUMPS
- logger = INFO
- loose_tolerance = 1e-6
- loose_tolerance_consecutive_iteration_threshold = 15
- max_iterations = 2000
- nonmonotone_filter_number_dominated_entries = 3
- primal_regularization_decrease_factor = 3.
- primal_regularization_fast_increase_factor = 100.
- primal_regularization_initial_factor = 1e-4
- primal_regularization_lb = 1e-20
- primal_regularization_slow_increase_factor = 8.
- print_solution = no
- progress_norm = L1
- protect_actual_reduction_against_roundoff = yes
- regularization_failure_threshold = 1e40
- regularization_increase_factor = 2
- regularization_initial_value = 1e-4
- residual_norm = INF
- residual_scaling_threshold = 100.
- scale_functions = yes
- scale_residuals = yes
- sparse_format = COO
- statistics_LS_step_length_column_order = 10
- statistics_SOC_column_order = 9
- statistics_TR_radius_column_order = 10
- statistics_barrier_parameter_column_order = 8
- statistics_complementarity_column_order = 105
- statistics_dual_feasibility_column_order = 102
- statistics_funnel_width_column_order = 25
- statistics_major_column_order = 1
- statistics_minor_column_order = 2
- statistics_objective_column_order = 100
- statistics_penalty_parameter_column_order = 5
- statistics_primal_feasibility_column_order = 101
- statistics_print_header_every_iterations = 15
- statistics_regularization_column_order = 21
- statistics_restoration_phase_column_order = 20
- statistics_stationarity_column_order = 104
- statistics_status_column_order = 200
- statistics_step_norm_column_order = 31
- subproblem = primal_dual_interior_point
- switch_to_optimality_requires_linearized_feasibility = no
- switching_delta = 1
- switching_infeasibility_exponent = 2
- threshold_unsuccessful_attempts = 8
- time_limit = inf
- tolerance = 1e-8
- unbounded_objective_threshold = -1e20
Problem /tmp/uno/model.nl_scaled_equalityconstrained_boundrelaxed
3 variables, 0 constraints

- AMPL_write_solution_to_file = yes
- LS_backtracking_ratio = 0.5
- LS_min_step_length = 5e-7
- LS_scale_duals_with_step_length = yes
- armijo_decrease_fraction = 1e-8
- armijo_tolerance = 1e-9
- barrier_damping_factor = 1e-5
- barrier_default_multiplier = 1
- barrier_initial_parameter = 0.1
- barrier_k_epsilon = 10
- barrier_k_mu = 0.2
- barrier_k_sigma = 1e10
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k1 = 1e-2
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k2 = 1e-2
- barrier_regularization_exponent = 0.25
- barrier_small_direction_factor = 10.
- barrier_tau_min = 0.99
- barrier_theta_mu = 1.5
- barrier_update_fraction = 10
- constraint_relaxation_strategy = feasibility_restoration
- dual_regularization_fraction = 1e-8
- filter_beta = 0.99999
- filter_capacity = 50
- filter_fact = 1e4
- filter_gamma = 1e-8
- filter_sufficient_infeasibility_decrease_factor = 0.9
- filter_type = standard
- filter_ubd = 1e4
- function_scaling_threshold = 100
- globalization_mechanism = LS
- globalization_strategy = waechter_filter_method
- l1_constraint_violation_coefficient = 1000.
- least_square_multiplier_max_norm = 1e3
- linear_solver = MUMPS
- logger = INFO
- loose_tolerance = 1e-6
- loose_tolerance_consecutive_iteration_threshold = 15
- max_iterations = 2000
- primal_regularization_decrease_factor = 3.
- primal_regularization_fast_increase_factor = 100.
- primal_regularization_initial_factor = 1e-4
- primal_regularization_lb = 1e-20
- primal_regularization_slow_increase_factor = 8.
- progress_norm = L1
- protect_actual_reduction_against_roundoff = yes
- regularization_failure_threshold = 1e40
- residual_norm = INF
- residual_scaling_threshold = 100.
- scale_functions = yes
- sparse_format = COO
- statistics_LS_step_length_column_order = 10
- statistics_barrier_parameter_column_order = 8
- statistics_complementarity_column_order = 105
- statistics_major_column_order = 1
- statistics_minor_column_order = 2
- statistics_objective_column_order = 100
- statistics_print_header_every_iterations = 15
- statistics_regularization_column_order = 21
- statistics_restoration_phase_column_order = 20
- statistics_stationarity_column_order = 104
- statistics_status_column_order = 200
- statistics_step_norm_column_order = 31
- subproblem = primal_dual_interior_point
- switch_to_optimality_requires_linearized_feasibility = no
- switching_delta = 1
- switching_infeasibility_exponent = 2
- threshold_unsuccessful_attempts = 8
- time_limit = inf
- tolerance = 1e-8
- unbounded_objective_threshold = -1e20
│ iter  │ LS iter │ barrier param. │ step length │ phase │ regularization │ step norm    │ objective   │ stationarity │ complementarity │ status                 │
│ 0     │ -       │ -              │ -           │ OPT   │ -              │ -            │ 2.20647     │ 5.43656      │ 0.01            │ initial point          │
│ 1     │ 1       │ 0.1            │ 1           │ OPT   │ 0              │ 8.9597       │ 890.504     │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 2       │ -              │ 0.5         │ -     │ -              │ 4.47985      │ 134.181     │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 3       │ -              │ 0.25        │ -     │ -              │ 2.23992      │ 22.8223     │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 4       │ -              │ 0.125       │ -     │ -              │ 1.11996      │ 4.958       │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 5       │ -              │ 0.0625      │ -     │ -              │ 0.559981     │ 2.11585     │ 4.24456      │ 0.00569981      │ accepted (f-type)      │
│ 2     │ 1       │ 0.1            │ 1           │ OPT   │ 0              │ 0.564281     │ -0.38325    │ 1.50854      │ 0.00140791      │ accepted (f-type)      │
│ 3     │ 1       │ 0.1            │ 1           │ OPT   │ 0              │ 16.5215      │ 5075.89     │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │

... lines omitted ...

│ 2000  │ 1       │ 0.000150424    │ 1           │ OPT   │ 0              │ 0.0394871    │ -1.3248     │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 2       │ -              │ 0.5         │ -     │ -              │ 0.0197436    │ -1.34676    │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 3       │ -              │ 0.25        │ -     │ -              │ 0.00987179   │ -1.35711    │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 4       │ -              │ 0.125       │ -     │ -              │ 0.00493589   │ -1.36213    │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 5       │ -              │ 0.0625      │ -     │ -              │ 0.00246795   │ -1.36461    │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 6       │ -              │ 0.03125     │ -     │ -              │ 0.00123397   │ -1.36583    │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 7       │ -              │ 0.015625    │ -     │ -              │ 0.000616987  │ -1.36645    │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 8       │ -              │ 0.0078125   │ -     │ -              │ 0.000308493  │ -1.36675    │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 9       │ -              │ 0.00390625  │ -     │ -              │ 0.000154247  │ -1.3669     │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 10      │ -              │ 0.00195312  │ -     │ -              │ 7.71233e-05  │ -1.36698    │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 11      │ -              │ 0.000976562 │ -     │ -              │ 3.85617e-05  │ -1.36702    │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 12      │ -              │ 0.000488281 │ -     │ -              │ 1.92808e-05  │ -1.36704    │ -            │ -               │ rejected (f-type)      │
│ -     │ 13      │ -              │ 0.000244141 │ -     │ -              │ 9.64042e-06  │ -1.36705    │ 1.00047      │ 2.32054e-08     │ accepted (f-type)      │

Uno (LS feasibility_restoration waechter_filter_method primal_dual_interior_point)
Fri Oct 18 13:06:04 2024
Status:                 Failed with suboptimal point
Objective value:            -1.367045
Primal feasibility:         0
┌ Stationarity residual:        1.000467
└ Complementarity residual:     2.320544e-08
┌ Feasibility stationarity residual:    1.000467
└ Feasibility complementarity residual: 2.320544e-08
┌ Infeasibility measure:        0
│ Objective measure:            -1.367045
└ Auxiliary measure:            0.001320244
CPU time:               1.316142s
Iterations:             2000
Objective evaluations:          15704
Constraints evaluations:        0
Objective gradient evaluations:     2002
Jacobian evaluations:           0
Hessian evaluations:            2000
Number of subproblems solved:       2000
* Solver : AmplNLWriter

* Status
  Result count       : 1
  Termination status : OTHER_LIMIT
  Message from the solver:

* Candidate solution (result #1)
  Primal status      : UNKNOWN_RESULT_STATUS
  Dual status        : NO_SOLUTION
  Objective value    : -1.36705e+00
  Dual objective value : -1.36705e+00

shell> cat /tmp/uno/
g3 1 1 0
 3 0 1 0 0 0
 0 1
 0 0
 0 3 0
 0 0 0 1
 0 0 0 0 0
 0 3
 0 0
 0 0 0 0 0
O0 0
0 1
1 2.12
2 0
2 1
G0 3
0 0
1 0
2 0
odow commented 2 days ago

This one isn't a failure per-se, but infeasibility is not detected:

julia> using JuMP, AmplNLWriter, Uno_jll

julia> begin
           model = Model() do
               return AmplNLWriter.Optimizer(Uno_jll.amplexe; directory = "/tmp/uno")
           set_attribute(model, "preset", "ipopt")
           set_attribute(model, "linear_solver", "MUMPS")
           @variable(model, x)
           @variable(model, y)
           @constraint(model, y == exp(x))
           @constraint(model, x == y^2)
Model /tmp/uno/
- AMPL_write_solution_to_file = yes
- BQPD_kmax = 500
- BQPD_print_subproblem = no
- LP_solver = BQPD
- LS_backtracking_ratio = 0.5
- LS_min_step_length = 5e-7
- LS_scale_duals_with_step_length = yes
- QP_solver = BQPD
- TR_activity_tolerance = 1e-6
- TR_aggressive_decrease_factor = 4
- TR_decrease_factor = 2
- TR_increase_factor = 2
- TR_min_radius = 1e-7
- TR_radius = 10.
- TR_radius_reset_threshold = 1e-4
- armijo_decrease_fraction = 1e-8
- armijo_tolerance = 1e-9
- barrier_damping_factor = 1e-5
- barrier_default_multiplier = 1
- barrier_initial_parameter = 0.1
- barrier_k_epsilon = 10
- barrier_k_mu = 0.2
- barrier_k_sigma = 1e10
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k1 = 1e-2
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k2 = 1e-2
- barrier_regularization_exponent = 0.25
- barrier_small_direction_factor = 10.
- barrier_smax = 100
- barrier_tau_min = 0.99
- barrier_theta_mu = 1.5
- barrier_update_fraction = 10
- constraint_relaxation_strategy = feasibility_restoration
- convexify_QP = false
- dual_regularization_fraction = 1e-8
- enforce_linear_constraints = no
- filter_beta = 0.99999
- filter_capacity = 50
- filter_fact = 1e4
- filter_gamma = 1e-8
- filter_sufficient_infeasibility_decrease_factor = 0.9
- filter_switching_infeasibility_exponent = 1.1
- filter_type = standard
- filter_ubd = 1e4
- function_scaling_factor = 100
- function_scaling_threshold = 100
- funnel_beta = 0.9999
- funnel_fact = 1.5
- funnel_gamma = 0.001
- funnel_kappa = 0.5
- funnel_require_acceptance_wrt_current_iterate = no
- funnel_ubd = 1.0
- funnel_update_strategy = 1
- globalization_mechanism = LS
- globalization_strategy = waechter_filter_method
- hessian_model = exact
- l1_constraint_violation_coefficient = 1000.
- l1_relaxation_decrease_factor = 10.
- l1_relaxation_epsilon1 = 0.1
- l1_relaxation_epsilon2 = 0.1
- l1_relaxation_fixed_parameter = no
- l1_relaxation_initial_parameter = 1.
- l1_relaxation_residual_small_threshold = 1e-12
- l1_small_duals_threshold = 1e-10
- least_square_multiplier_max_norm = 1e3
- linear_solver = MUMPS
- logger = INFO
- loose_tolerance = 1e-6
- loose_tolerance_consecutive_iteration_threshold = 15
- max_iterations = 2000
- nonmonotone_filter_number_dominated_entries = 3
- primal_regularization_decrease_factor = 3.
- primal_regularization_fast_increase_factor = 100.
- primal_regularization_initial_factor = 1e-4
- primal_regularization_lb = 1e-20
- primal_regularization_slow_increase_factor = 8.
- print_solution = no
- progress_norm = L1
- protect_actual_reduction_against_roundoff = yes
- regularization_failure_threshold = 1e40
- regularization_increase_factor = 2
- regularization_initial_value = 1e-4
- residual_norm = INF
- residual_scaling_threshold = 100.
- scale_functions = yes
- scale_residuals = yes
- sparse_format = COO
- statistics_LS_step_length_column_order = 10
- statistics_SOC_column_order = 9
- statistics_TR_radius_column_order = 10
- statistics_barrier_parameter_column_order = 8
- statistics_complementarity_column_order = 105
- statistics_dual_feasibility_column_order = 102
- statistics_funnel_width_column_order = 25
- statistics_major_column_order = 1
- statistics_minor_column_order = 2
- statistics_objective_column_order = 100
- statistics_penalty_parameter_column_order = 5
- statistics_primal_feasibility_column_order = 101
- statistics_print_header_every_iterations = 15
- statistics_regularization_column_order = 21
- statistics_restoration_phase_column_order = 20
- statistics_stationarity_column_order = 104
- statistics_status_column_order = 200
- statistics_step_norm_column_order = 31
- subproblem = primal_dual_interior_point
- switch_to_optimality_requires_linearized_feasibility = no
- switching_delta = 1
- switching_infeasibility_exponent = 2
- threshold_unsuccessful_attempts = 8
- time_limit = inf
- tolerance = 1e-8
- unbounded_objective_threshold = -1e20
Problem /tmp/uno/model.nl_scaled_equalityconstrained_boundrelaxed
2 variables, 2 constraints

- AMPL_write_solution_to_file = yes
- LS_backtracking_ratio = 0.5
- LS_min_step_length = 5e-7
- LS_scale_duals_with_step_length = yes
- armijo_decrease_fraction = 1e-8
- armijo_tolerance = 1e-9
- barrier_damping_factor = 1e-5
- barrier_default_multiplier = 1
- barrier_initial_parameter = 0.1
- barrier_k_epsilon = 10
- barrier_k_mu = 0.2
- barrier_k_sigma = 1e10
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k1 = 1e-2
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k2 = 1e-2
- barrier_regularization_exponent = 0.25
- barrier_small_direction_factor = 10.
- barrier_tau_min = 0.99
- barrier_theta_mu = 1.5
- barrier_update_fraction = 10
- constraint_relaxation_strategy = feasibility_restoration
- dual_regularization_fraction = 1e-8
- filter_beta = 0.99999
- filter_capacity = 50
- filter_fact = 1e4
- filter_gamma = 1e-8
- filter_sufficient_infeasibility_decrease_factor = 0.9
- filter_type = standard
- filter_ubd = 1e4
- function_scaling_threshold = 100
- globalization_mechanism = LS
- globalization_strategy = waechter_filter_method
- l1_constraint_violation_coefficient = 1000.
- least_square_multiplier_max_norm = 1e3
- linear_solver = MUMPS
- logger = INFO
- loose_tolerance = 1e-6
- loose_tolerance_consecutive_iteration_threshold = 15
- max_iterations = 2000
- primal_regularization_decrease_factor = 3.
- primal_regularization_fast_increase_factor = 100.
- primal_regularization_initial_factor = 1e-4
- primal_regularization_lb = 1e-20
- primal_regularization_slow_increase_factor = 8.
- progress_norm = L1
- protect_actual_reduction_against_roundoff = yes
- regularization_failure_threshold = 1e40
- residual_norm = INF
- residual_scaling_threshold = 100.
- scale_functions = yes
- sparse_format = COO
- statistics_LS_step_length_column_order = 10
- statistics_barrier_parameter_column_order = 8
- statistics_complementarity_column_order = 105
- statistics_major_column_order = 1
- statistics_minor_column_order = 2
- statistics_objective_column_order = 100
- statistics_primal_feasibility_column_order = 101
- statistics_print_header_every_iterations = 15
- statistics_regularization_column_order = 21
- statistics_restoration_phase_column_order = 20
- statistics_stationarity_column_order = 104
- statistics_status_column_order = 200
- statistics_step_norm_column_order = 31
- subproblem = primal_dual_interior_point
- switch_to_optimality_requires_linearized_feasibility = no
- switching_delta = 1
- switching_infeasibility_exponent = 2
- threshold_unsuccessful_attempts = 8
- time_limit = inf
- tolerance = 1e-8
- unbounded_objective_threshold = -1e20
│ iter  │ LS iter │ barrier param. │ step length │ phase │ regularization │ step norm    │ objective   │ primal feas.  │ stationarity │ complementarity │ status                 │
│ 0     │ -       │ -              │ -           │ OPT   │ -              │ -            │ 0           │ 1             │ 0            │ 0               │ initial point          │
│ 1     │ -       │ 0.02           │ -           │ OPT   │ -              │ -            │ -           │ -             │ -            │ -               │ -                      │
│ -     │ -       │ -              │ -           │ -     │ -              │ -            │ -           │ -             │ -            │ -               │ The inertia correction got unstable (delta_w > threshold)│

Uno (LS feasibility_restoration waechter_filter_method primal_dual_interior_point)
Fri Oct 18 13:09:08 2024
Status:                 Failed with suboptimal point
Objective value:            0
Primal feasibility:         1
┌ Stationarity residual:        0
└ Complementarity residual:     0
┌ Feasibility stationarity residual:    0
└ Feasibility complementarity residual: 0
┌ Infeasibility measure:        1
│ Objective measure:            0
└ Auxiliary measure:            0
CPU time:               0.01011s
Iterations:             1
Objective evaluations:          1
Constraints evaluations:        1
Objective gradient evaluations:     2
Jacobian evaluations:           2
Hessian evaluations:            2
Number of subproblems solved:       0
* Solver : AmplNLWriter

* Status
  Result count       : 1
  Termination status : OTHER_LIMIT
  Message from the solver:

* Candidate solution (result #1)
  Primal status      : UNKNOWN_RESULT_STATUS
  Dual status        : NO_SOLUTION
  Objective value    : 0.00000e+00
  Dual objective value : 0.00000e+00

* Work counters
  Solve time (sec)   : 7.58700e-02

shell> cat /tmp/uno/
g3 1 1 0
 2 2 1 0 2 0
 2 1
 0 0
 2 0 0
 0 0 0 1
 0 0 0 0 0
 4 0
 0 0
 0 0 0 0 0
O0 0
0 0
1 0
4 0
4 0
J0 2
0 0
1 0
J1 2
0 1
1 0
cvanaret commented 1 hour ago

A quick comment on the first problem: I can solve the generated nl file on my machine, so I cannot explain the error yet. That said, the nl file is incorrectly generated: it contains two variables and one constraint, instead of one variable (and one bound constraint if you interpret it correctly). Nonetheless, Uno can solve the original 1D problem as well.

odow commented 54 minutes ago

JuMP interprets @constraint(model, x >= 2) as a linear constraint. Bounds are given as @variable(model, x >= 2).

I see only one variable in the NL file? Which part is wrong? I get so confused with nl files

odow commented 51 minutes ago

I can solve the generated nl file on my machine

Is this some MUMPS version issue then? What version of MUMPS are you compiling with?

odow commented 50 minutes ago

How do I turn on maximally verbose logs for you?

cvanaret commented 37 minutes ago

JuMP interprets @constraint(model, x >= 2) as a linear constraint. Bounds are given as @variable(model, x >= 2). I see only one variable in the NL file? Which part is wrong? I get so confused with nl files

Ah! In this case, I see the dimensions of the problem reformulated by Uno and it had to introduce a slack variable. This is not great but at least expected. All good!

Is this some MUMPS version issue then? What version of MUMPS are you compiling with?

I'm using MUMPS 5.7.2.

How do I turn on maximally verbose logs for you?

That's a good idea. Pass the value DEBUG3 to the option logger. Thanks!

odow commented 30 minutes ago

Hmm. Now it works for me:

julia> using JuMP, AmplNLWriter, Uno_jll

julia> begin
           model = Model() do
               return AmplNLWriter.Optimizer(Uno_jll.amplexe; directory = "/tmp/uno")
           set_attribute(model, "preset", "ipopt")
        #    set_attribute(model, "logger", "DEBUG3")
           set_attribute(model, "linear_solver", "MUMPS")
           @variable(model, x)
           @objective(model, Min, x)
           @constraint(model, x >= 2)
Model /tmp/uno/
- AMPL_write_solution_to_file = yes
- BQPD_kmax = 500
- BQPD_print_subproblem = no
- LP_solver = BQPD
- LS_backtracking_ratio = 0.5
- LS_min_step_length = 5e-7
- LS_scale_duals_with_step_length = yes
- QP_solver = BQPD
- TR_activity_tolerance = 1e-6
- TR_aggressive_decrease_factor = 4
- TR_decrease_factor = 2
- TR_increase_factor = 2
- TR_min_radius = 1e-7
- TR_radius = 10.
- TR_radius_reset_threshold = 1e-4
- armijo_decrease_fraction = 1e-8
- armijo_tolerance = 1e-9
- barrier_damping_factor = 1e-5
- barrier_default_multiplier = 1
- barrier_initial_parameter = 0.1
- barrier_k_epsilon = 10
- barrier_k_mu = 0.2
- barrier_k_sigma = 1e10
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k1 = 1e-2
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k2 = 1e-2
- barrier_regularization_exponent = 0.25
- barrier_small_direction_factor = 10.
- barrier_smax = 100
- barrier_tau_min = 0.99
- barrier_theta_mu = 1.5
- barrier_update_fraction = 10
- constraint_relaxation_strategy = feasibility_restoration
- convexify_QP = false
- dual_regularization_fraction = 1e-8
- enforce_linear_constraints = no
- filter_beta = 0.99999
- filter_capacity = 50
- filter_fact = 1e4
- filter_gamma = 1e-8
- filter_sufficient_infeasibility_decrease_factor = 0.9
- filter_switching_infeasibility_exponent = 1.1
- filter_type = standard
- filter_ubd = 1e4
- function_scaling_factor = 100
- function_scaling_threshold = 100
- funnel_beta = 0.9999
- funnel_fact = 1.5
- funnel_gamma = 0.001
- funnel_kappa = 0.5
- funnel_require_acceptance_wrt_current_iterate = no
- funnel_ubd = 1.0
- funnel_update_strategy = 1
- globalization_mechanism = LS
- globalization_strategy = waechter_filter_method
- hessian_model = exact
- l1_constraint_violation_coefficient = 1000.
- l1_relaxation_decrease_factor = 10.
- l1_relaxation_epsilon1 = 0.1
- l1_relaxation_epsilon2 = 0.1
- l1_relaxation_fixed_parameter = no
- l1_relaxation_initial_parameter = 1.
- l1_relaxation_residual_small_threshold = 1e-12
- l1_small_duals_threshold = 1e-10
- least_square_multiplier_max_norm = 1e3
- linear_solver = MUMPS
- logger = INFO
- loose_tolerance = 1e-6
- loose_tolerance_consecutive_iteration_threshold = 15
- max_iterations = 2000
- nonmonotone_filter_number_dominated_entries = 3
- primal_regularization_decrease_factor = 3.
- primal_regularization_fast_increase_factor = 100.
- primal_regularization_initial_factor = 1e-4
- primal_regularization_lb = 1e-20
- primal_regularization_slow_increase_factor = 8.
- print_solution = no
- progress_norm = L1
- protect_actual_reduction_against_roundoff = yes
- regularization_failure_threshold = 1e40
- regularization_increase_factor = 2
- regularization_initial_value = 1e-4
- residual_norm = INF
- residual_scaling_threshold = 100.
- scale_functions = yes
- scale_residuals = yes
- sparse_format = COO
- statistics_LS_step_length_column_order = 10
- statistics_SOC_column_order = 9
- statistics_TR_radius_column_order = 10
- statistics_barrier_parameter_column_order = 8
- statistics_complementarity_column_order = 105
- statistics_dual_feasibility_column_order = 102
- statistics_funnel_width_column_order = 25
- statistics_major_column_order = 1
- statistics_minor_column_order = 2
- statistics_objective_column_order = 100
- statistics_penalty_parameter_column_order = 5
- statistics_primal_feasibility_column_order = 101
- statistics_print_header_every_iterations = 15
- statistics_regularization_column_order = 21
- statistics_restoration_phase_column_order = 20
- statistics_stationarity_column_order = 104
- statistics_status_column_order = 200
- statistics_step_norm_column_order = 31
- subproblem = primal_dual_interior_point
- switch_to_optimality_requires_linearized_feasibility = no
- switching_delta = 1
- switching_infeasibility_exponent = 2
- threshold_unsuccessful_attempts = 8
- time_limit = inf
- tolerance = 1e-8
- unbounded_objective_threshold = -1e20
Problem /tmp/uno/model.nl_scaled_equalityconstrained_boundrelaxed
2 variables, 1 constraints

- AMPL_write_solution_to_file = yes
- LS_backtracking_ratio = 0.5
- LS_min_step_length = 5e-7
- LS_scale_duals_with_step_length = yes
- armijo_decrease_fraction = 1e-8
- armijo_tolerance = 1e-9
- barrier_damping_factor = 1e-5
- barrier_default_multiplier = 1
- barrier_initial_parameter = 0.1
- barrier_k_epsilon = 10
- barrier_k_mu = 0.2
- barrier_k_sigma = 1e10
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k1 = 1e-2
- barrier_push_variable_to_interior_k2 = 1e-2
- barrier_regularization_exponent = 0.25
- barrier_small_direction_factor = 10.
- barrier_tau_min = 0.99
- barrier_theta_mu = 1.5
- barrier_update_fraction = 10
- constraint_relaxation_strategy = feasibility_restoration
- dual_regularization_fraction = 1e-8
- filter_beta = 0.99999
- filter_capacity = 50
- filter_fact = 1e4
- filter_gamma = 1e-8
- filter_sufficient_infeasibility_decrease_factor = 0.9
- filter_type = standard
- filter_ubd = 1e4
- function_scaling_threshold = 100
- globalization_mechanism = LS
- globalization_strategy = waechter_filter_method
- l1_constraint_violation_coefficient = 1000.
- least_square_multiplier_max_norm = 1e3
- linear_solver = MUMPS
- logger = INFO
- loose_tolerance = 1e-6
- loose_tolerance_consecutive_iteration_threshold = 15
- max_iterations = 2000
- primal_regularization_decrease_factor = 3.
- primal_regularization_fast_increase_factor = 100.
- primal_regularization_initial_factor = 1e-4
- primal_regularization_lb = 1e-20
- primal_regularization_slow_increase_factor = 8.
- progress_norm = L1
- protect_actual_reduction_against_roundoff = yes
- regularization_failure_threshold = 1e40
- residual_norm = INF
- residual_scaling_threshold = 100.
- scale_functions = yes
- sparse_format = COO
- statistics_LS_step_length_column_order = 10
- statistics_barrier_parameter_column_order = 8
- statistics_complementarity_column_order = 105
- statistics_major_column_order = 1
- statistics_minor_column_order = 2
- statistics_objective_column_order = 100
- statistics_primal_feasibility_column_order = 101
- statistics_print_header_every_iterations = 15
- statistics_regularization_column_order = 21
- statistics_restoration_phase_column_order = 20
- statistics_stationarity_column_order = 104
- statistics_status_column_order = 200
- statistics_step_norm_column_order = 31
- subproblem = primal_dual_interior_point
- switch_to_optimality_requires_linearized_feasibility = no
- switching_delta = 1
- switching_infeasibility_exponent = 2
- threshold_unsuccessful_attempts = 8
- time_limit = inf
- tolerance = 1e-8
- unbounded_objective_threshold = -1e20
│ iter  │ LS iter │ barrier param. │ step length │ phase │ regularization │ step norm    │ objective   │ primal feas.  │ stationarity │ complementarity │ status                 │
│ 0     │ -       │ -              │ -           │ OPT   │ -              │ -            │ 0           │ 2.02          │ 0            │ 0.02            │ initial point          │
│ 1     │ 1       │ 0.1            │ 1           │ OPT   │ 0              │ 2.1          │ 2.1         │ 0             │ 1e-06        │ 0.1             │ accepted (h-type)      │
│ 2     │ 1       │ 0.00282843     │ 1           │ OPT   │ 0              │ 0.0971715    │ 2.00283     │ 0             │ 2.82843e-08  │ 0.00282852      │ accepted (f-type)      │
│ 3     │ 1       │ 0.000150424    │ 1           │ OPT   │ 0              │ 0.0026781    │ 2.00015     │ 0             │ 1.50424e-09  │ 0.000150424     │ accepted (f-type)      │
│ 4     │ 1       │ 1.84491e-06    │ 1           │ OPT   │ 0              │ 0.000148579  │ 2           │ 0             │ 1.84495e-11  │ 1.84491e-06     │ accepted (f-type)      │
│ 5     │ 1       │ 2.5059e-09     │ 1           │ OPT   │ 0              │ 1.84241e-06  │ 2           │ 0             │ 2.5091e-14   │ 2.5059e-09      │ accepted (f-type)      │

Uno (LS feasibility_restoration waechter_filter_method primal_dual_interior_point)
Mon Oct 21 07:47:54 2024
Status:                 Converged with feasible KKT point
Objective value:            2
Primal feasibility:         0
┌ Stationarity residual:        2.509104e-14
└ Complementarity residual:     2.505903e-09
┌ Feasibility stationarity residual:    2.509104e-14
└ Feasibility complementarity residual: 2.505903e-09
┌ Infeasibility measure:        0
│ Objective measure:            2
└ Auxiliary measure:            4.962846e-08
CPU time:               0.002814s
Iterations:             5
Objective evaluations:          6
Constraints evaluations:        7
Objective gradient evaluations:     7
Jacobian evaluations:           7
Hessian evaluations:            5
Number of subproblems solved:       5
* Solver : AmplNLWriter

* Status
  Result count       : 1
  Termination status : LOCALLY_SOLVED
  Message from the solver:

* Candidate solution (result #1)
  Primal status      : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Dual status        : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Objective value    : 2.00000e+00
  Dual objective value : 2.00000e+00

* Work counters
  Solve time (sec)   : 5.61249e-02
odow commented 29 minutes ago

I'm not sure what changed. I'll re-run the MINLPTests.

cvanaret commented 27 minutes ago

Wonderful :)