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YoloV8 serverlesss support #6471

Open hardikdava opened 1 year ago

hardikdava commented 1 year ago

My actions before raising this issue

Hello @cvat-maintainers :wave: , I can add support for YoloV8 object detection for automatic annotation. Please let me know if it helps cvat community for better and faster annotations then I would be happy to open a pull request. There is already a request from a user #5552

Future scope:

There is a lot of scope using ultralytics as they provide support for following models.

KTXKIKI commented 1 year ago

Very much needed!!!!!! I hope it can be done. Thank you very much

KTXKIKI commented 1 year ago

my brother Can you come up with other YOLOV8 segmentation, pose estimation, and trackers, as well as YOLOV8 and segment anything automatic object segmentation? I really need these. Thank you very much

hardikdava commented 1 year ago

@KTXKIKI I was thinking the same. It is already on my schedule.

KTXKIKI commented 1 year ago

@hardikdava import json import base64 from PIL import Image import io from ultralytics import YOLO from supervision.detection.utils import extract_yolov8_masks import supervision as sv

def init_context(context):"Init context... 0%")

model_path = ""  #  YOLOV8模型放在nuclio目录下构建

model = YOLO(model_path)

# Read the DL model
context.user_data.model = model"Init context...100%")

def handler(context, event):"Run yolo-v8 model") data = event.body buf = io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data["image"])) threshold = float(data.get("threshold", 0.35)) context.user_data.model.conf = threshold image =

yolo_results = context.user_data.model(image, conf=threshold)[0]
labels = yolo_results.names
detections = sv.Detections.from_yolov8(yolo_results)

detections = detections[detections.confidence > threshold]
boxes = detections.xyxy
conf = detections.confidence
class_ids = detections.class_id

results = []

if boxes.shape[0] > 0:

    for label, score, box in zip(class_ids, conf, boxes):

        xtl = int(box[0])
        ytl = int(box[1])
        xbr = int(box[2])
        ybr = int(box[3])

        mask = extract_yolov8_masks(yolov8_results)  # 调用 extract_yolov8_masks 函数获取多边形区域的掩码

                "confidence": str(score),
                "label": labels.get(label, "unknown"),
                "points": [xtl, ytl, xbr, ybr,  mask],
                "type": "rectangle",})

return context.Response(body=json.dumps(results), headers={},
                        content_type='application/json', status_code=200)
KTXKIKI commented 1 year ago

yolov8 segment I try to but have many problem

hardikdava commented 1 year ago

@KTXKIKI I got it working. But I have some issue with lots of polygon points. I am working on it. I will let you know once it is working.

hardikdava commented 1 year ago

@KTXKIKI checkout implementation from #6491. I successfully added suport for segmentation. I hope this will be helpful to you.

KTXKIKI commented 1 year ago

@hardikdava Thank you very much. I have also tried many ways, but there are always problems

KTXKIKI commented 1 year ago

YOLOV8 classification also requires

rafaelgildin commented 3 weeks ago

@KTXKIKI Is there any way of using roboflow as a support here? I know it's a problem exposing the data publicly or having to pay, but they are abble to take from COCO and export as YOLO dataset. Let me know if you found another strategy.