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[GSoC'24] Registeration of Shortcuts via modules and dummy conflict detector #8007

Open tahamukhtar20 opened 3 weeks ago

tahamukhtar20 commented 3 weeks ago

Part of: #747

Motivation and context

This PR is part of the GSOC project: Keyboard Shortcut Customization

How has this been tested?

It has been tested by checking if the existing shortcuts work the same way as before.



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The recent updates to the CVAT UI introduce a comprehensive system for managing keyboard shortcuts across various components. The changes include the addition of a new action type REGISTER_SHORTCUT, the use of the useRegisterShortcuts hook to register shortcuts, and the replacement of the action property with view in the KeyMapItem interface. These updates enhance the user experience by providing consistent and customizable keyboard shortcuts for different actions and views.


Files/Groups of Files Change Summary
cvat-ui/src/actions/shortcuts-actions.ts Added REGISTER_SHORTCUT action and registerShortcuts function.
cvat-ui/src/components/annotation-page/... (multiple files) Introduced and registered various keyboard shortcuts using useRegisterShortcuts hook.
cvat-ui/src/cvat-store.ts Modified createCVATStore function to accept rootReducerCreator and adjusted store creation logic.
cvat-ui/src/reducers/shortcuts-reducer.ts Updated default key mappings, added conflict detection for shortcuts, and handled shortcut registration.
cvat-ui/src/utils/enums.tsx Added ViewType enum with a single value ALL.
cvat-ui/src/utils/hooks.ts Added useRegisterShortcuts function for registering shortcuts.
cvat-ui/src/utils/mousetrap-react.tsx Replaced action with view in KeyMapItem interface and adjusted key binding logic in GlobalHotKeys.

Sequence Diagram(s)

    participant Component
    participant Hook as useRegisterShortcuts
    participant Store as CVAT Store
    participant Actions as Shortcuts Actions
    participant Reducer as Shortcuts Reducer

    Component->>Hook: Define componentShortcuts
    Hook->>Store: Get CVAT Store
    Hook->>Actions: Dispatch registerShortcuts
    Actions->>Reducer: Handle REGISTER_SHORTCUT
    Reducer->>Store: Update key mappings
    Store-->>Component: Shortcuts registered


In the land of code where shortcuts play,
A rabbit hopped to save the day.
With keys and hooks, and views so bright,
Actions mapped from day to night.
Registering shortcuts, conflicts no more,
Enhancing CVAT, users adore.
Hoppy coding, swift and neat,
A world of shortcuts, oh what a feat!


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bsekachev commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @tahamukhtar20

There are plenty failed end to end tests with this pull request Could you please take a look?

It is expected that nothing is changed for a user with this patch. So, I do not think you need to fix test. Probably there are some issues with the implementation.

bsekachev commented 2 weeks ago

Example: New organization pipeline -- The first user creates an organization and activates it -- after all hook (failed)

sonarcloud[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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bsekachev commented 4 days ago


Not all the shortcuts are transformed with this patch (because not all were initially defined in shortcuts reducer). Try to search in project by GlobalHotKeys to understand what files include declared keymaps.

For example in file cvat-ui/src/components/annotation-page/attribute-annotation-workspace/attribute-annotation-sidebar/attribute-editor.tsx you may find the following:

        sortedValues.forEach((value: string, index: number): void => {
            const key = `SET_${index}_VALUE`;
            keyMap[key] = {
                name: `Set value "${value}"`,
                description: `Change current value for the attribute to "${value}"`,
                sequences: [`${index}`],
                action: 'keydown',

            handlers[key] = (event: KeyboardEvent | undefined) => {
                if (event) {


On one hand, if we want to avoid shortcuts conflicts, using common design, now we have to declare these shortcuts globally as well (register in storage) (probably with specific scope (e.g. attribute annotation mode));

On the other hand, I do not think we want to be able to modify such kind of shortcuts in the future (and even list them in total shortcuts list). So, maybe we should introduce isMutable, isEnumerable flags to keyMapItem or something like this, and handle them properly. The reason of such restriction is that these shortcuts are very dynamic (for different labels and attributes they are different, with own name, and description).

Alternatively, we may unify these shortcuts, like:

name: "Set 1st value to the current attribute"
description: "Change current value for the attribute to the 1st value in the list"

and only provide correct handlers in attribute annotation sidebar component.

From first look, I like the second option more.

As I remember, there is similar problem in tag annotation mode (this file: cvat-ui/src/components/annotation-page/tag-annotation-workspace/tag-annotation-sidebar/shortcuts-select.tsx).

In this component, I believe it make sense to be able to see and configure these shortcuts (again, with specific scope, e.g. tag annotation mode)