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How to Provide SSL Certificate for Self Hosted CVAT application Single EC2 instance? #8083

Closed Yash-Ark closed 1 day ago

Yash-Ark commented 3 days ago

I have hosted the CVAT application on a single EC2 instance using the CVAT Documentation. However, when I try to access the CVAT application in my browser, I encounter a "Not Secure Connection" warning.

I have identified a few potential solutions to address this issue: using a Load Balancer, a third-party domain name provider, or self-certification with Certbot.

Currently, using a Load Balancer or a third-party domain name provider is not feasible for my application. Therefore, I attempted to use self-certification with Certbot, but I encountered an issue during the process:


I am seeking guidance on whether there are any other ways to run my CVAT application over HTTPS for free.

Thank you.

azhavoro commented 1 day ago But please note that you should use your own domain, because Letsencrypt doesn't support aws domains like