cvcode18 / imbalanced_learning

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Confusion about getResNet() #12

Open prologueyan-hr opened 5 years ago

prologueyan-hr commented 5 years ago

I'm new to mxnet,I have confusion about getresnet() `def getResNet(num_classes, ctx, NoTraining=True): resnet = vision.resnet101_v1(pretrained=True, ctx=ctx)

net = vision.resnet101_v1(classes=num_classes, prefix='resnetv10_')
with net.name_scope():  
    net.output = nn.Dense(num_classes, flatten=True, in_units=resnet.output._in_units)
        mx.init.Xavier(rnd_type='gaussian', factor_type="in", magnitude=2), ctx=ctx)
    net.features = resnet.features


why is there have two vision.resnet101_v1() ,resnet and net ?