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Question about annotation files #2

Closed ousinkou closed 3 years ago

ousinkou commented 3 years ago

I downloaded the instances_attributes_train2020.json and instances_attributes_val2020.json. And I found weird segmentation format . You can search "counts" in the file. Such as these rows:

"segmentation": { "size": [ 1024, 688 ], "counts": "emX8;do02M3M4K4L4L3M4M2M3M4L3M4L3N2B?L3M3]LAhVO[NKU2eh00UWOaM3o1\\g0S2WXOUL7j1\\g0j51O001O1O1O001O1N2O0O2O001N101O0O2O0O1O1O1O1O1O1YOgWOfIZh0U6oWOfIRh0X6UXObIlg0]6[XO\\Ifg0b6m0O1N2K5J6\\O]VOeJii0V5c0M3[ObUOdKbj0Z4c0N2N2M3N2J6H8H8I7E;E;E;E;E<G8J6K5J7I7I0C[Yh:" },

Did the file have a problem? Hoping for help.

KMnP commented 3 years ago

Hi @ousinkou, those are compressed RLE format, same as the format used in coco API.

We also state the formats in README.

ousinkou commented 3 years ago

Hi @ousinkou, those are compressed RLE format, same as the format used in coco API.

We also state the formats in README.

Very thanks. I use coco api, it seems ok now.