cvfosammmm / Setzer

LaTeX editor written in Python with Gtk
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Feature: Add darkmodes for pdf preview (in addition to "Match theme colors") #382

Open MarcusAichmayr opened 8 months ago

MarcusAichmayr commented 8 months ago

"Match theme colors" is a great and simple toggle to get pdf preview in darkmode. However, I found that the contrast could be higher if colors are used in the document. In my specific case, blue links were represented as light gray. This makes it difficult to distinguish links from the (white) text.

I propose alternative darkmodes that help with this issue. Here are some ideas what such darkmodes could achieve:

For instance, there could be the following modes:

Note that Visual Studio Code's extension LaTeX Workshop offers several settings for manipulating colors of the previewed pdf. While I believe that such settings would contradict the design philosophies of Setzer, those settings might give ideas for the modes I mentioned or further modes. Here are the mentioned settings (populated with my current choice):


cvfosammmm commented 8 months ago

Thanks for posting this info. I don't think we have to offer more than one extra mode though.

About the links: currently the whole page is converted to the theme's foreground color. But we actually know where the links are, so we might just color those rectangles in a different color, the theme's link color. That should solve this issue in most cases.

fcoelhomrc commented 3 weeks ago

Also, can we leave images untouched? Basically, skip color transformation for anything inside a \begin{figure} environment.

Sometimes, color inverted graphs become really hard to read, figures become weird, etc.