cvfosammmm / Setzer

LaTeX editor written in Python with Gtk
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Biber does not work since update #388

Closed vale5566 closed 7 months ago

vale5566 commented 7 months ago

Hi there, I recently upgraded to the latest flatpak version and since then I get an error when trying to create a bibliography. This is not a LaTeX problem, as the same code runs fine on Overleaf.

The warnings I get in Setzer: Please (re)run Biber on the file: and Empty bibliography on input line 46. When I sh into flatpak and try biber I get the following error:

Can't locate Log/ in @INC (you may need to install the Log::Log4perl module) (@INC contains: /app/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.36.0/x86_64-linux /app/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.36.0 /app/lib/perl5/5.36.0/x86_64-linux /app/lib/perl5/5.36.0) at /app/texlive/bin/biber line 14.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /app/texlive/bin/biber line 14.

I'm running on openSUSE Tumbleweed.

Thanks in advance!

cvfosammmm commented 7 months ago

Does it work on other Flatpak editors, like texstudio?

vale5566 commented 7 months ago

No, I can''t get texstudio to work properly. Portal call failed: Failed to start command: Failed to execute child process ?xelatex? (No such file or directory) Process exited with error(s)

However, I found a similar issue on Because of this issue I tried to run Setzer with flatpak run --env=PATH=/usr/lib/sdk/texlive/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/lib/sdk/texlive/bin:/app/bin:/usr/bin:/app/texlive/bin:/app/texlive/bin/x86_64-linux:/app/texlive/bin/aarch64-linux org.cvfosammmm.Setzer. With the overwritten PATH I was able to start biber from the cli with flatpak run --command=sh --devel org.cvfosammmm.Setzer.

Unfortunately this didn't help inside Setzer. I tried overwriting the env with flatpak override. flatpak override --env=PATH=/usr/lib/sdk/texlive/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/lib/sdk/texlive/bin:/app/bin:/usr/bin:/app/texlive/bin:/app/texlive/bin/x86_64-linux:/app/texlive/bin/aarch64-linux org.cvfosammmm.Setzer

cvfosammmm commented 7 months ago

Thanks for reporting this, but I don't think it is strickly Setzer-related. It seems to be a problem with the TeXLive extension. Maybe you can describe your findings on their tracker.