cvfosammmm / Setzer

LaTeX editor written in Python with Gtk
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PDF preview not updated #391

Closed jettrich closed 6 months ago

jettrich commented 6 months ago

Dear All,

I'm using setzer, release 59, on Fedora 39, and I observe that the pdf preview is not updated properly after a new translation of the document. Only after changing the view slightly (e.g. move or zoom), the updated content is displayed correctly. This is not show-stopping but very annoying.

Does someone know, if this issue is solved with a version higher than 59, thus I could replace the fedora repository version with a more current one, or is this a bug?

Kind Regards

LyesSaadi commented 6 months ago

Hello, Fedora packager here !

This bug is not present on newer versions of Setzer. The issue is that Setzer cannot be, for the time being, be updated for F39 & F38 due to a dependency issue (the 65 update for F40 just landed last week after months of waiting for an answer from the packager of the dependency. Unfortunately, he hasn't answered me yet when I asked him to backport the update for earlier releases).

In the meantime the solution for you would be to either use the Flatpak or wait for an answer of the dependency packager.

If you want to keep using a native Fedora package, I can setup for you a COPR to provide the updated dependency, alongside the update to Setzer.

jettrich commented 6 months ago

Hi @LyesSaadi and thanks a lot for your instant reply! To be honest, I try to avoid using flatpak, thus I'd really appreciate to have an "intermediate" solution. I'm not used to use COPR, thus, if you provide this solution, could you briefly explain how I can incorporate your solution into my (more or less) standard F39 installation?

Thanks in advance!

LyesSaadi commented 6 months ago

Here is the copr ! Sorry for the late reply (was protesting xD).

Here are the commands to install the last version of Setzer on Fedora 38 & 39 on x86_64 :

sudo dnf copr enable lyessaadi/setzer-65
sudo dnf update
jettrich commented 6 months ago

Great! @LyesSaadi, you saved my day :grin:!