cvg / GlueStick

Joint Deep Matcher for Points and Lines 🖼️💥🖼️ (ICCV 2023)
MIT License
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Integration to HLOC or COLMAP? #15

Open chandrakanth-gudavalli opened 11 months ago

chandrakanth-gudavalli commented 11 months ago

Hello Team,

Is there any easy way to integrate Gluestick feature extraction and feature matching outputs to hloc and/or colmap?

I am just curious about it.

PS: This is a great work by the way. Thanks for open-sourcing it.


rpautrat commented 11 months ago

Hi, currently, GlueStick has not been integrated into hloc or Colmap. The reason is that none of the two use line features, and the point matching alone of GlueStick is very similar to SuperGlue.

However, we have integrated GlueStick into our framework LIMAP, which is a fusion of Colmap and hloc for both points and lines. You might be interested in checking this repo.

chandrakanth-gudavalli commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the prompt response.

Can LiMAP take a set of unposed images and estimate camera parameters (just like the way colmap and hloc produce cameras.txt)?

In other words, I am trying to estimate camera positions just from a folder of images. I am able to do it with COLMAP and/or HLOC by adding "Superpoint+SuperGlue" into the pipeline. I just wanted to see if I can enhance my existing performance by using Gluestick in the COLMAP pipeline and/or HLOC pipeline?


rpautrat commented 11 months ago

Currently, LIMAP first runs COLMAP to get the camera poses, so you would not get any improvement initially. It can however improve a bit the camera poses later by introducing lines into the bundle adjustment, and thus adding new information to improve the camera poses. Maybe you can have a look at the documentation of LIMAP to see how to retrieve these refined camera poses, and open an issue in the LIMAP repo if you still have questions.

Note that we are currently working on a version of LIMAP that would not need this initial dependency on Colmap, and that would be able to output the camera poses directly from points and lines. This will not be ready before a few months, however.