cvg / LightGlue

LightGlue: Local Feature Matching at Light Speed (ICCV 2023)
Apache License 2.0
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sift+lightglue #122

Open LXXIANG12 opened 2 months ago

LXXIANG12 commented 2 months ago


pxy522 commented 2 months ago


LXXIANG12 commented 2 months ago


官方公布了SIFT+lightglue的预训练权重,我想先用这个模型试试看效果,但是使用过程报错了 image 以下是我的示例: image 我第一次使用不知道改哪里

pxy522 commented 2 months ago

image zh 这?

LXXIANG12 commented 2 months ago

抱歉,改这里好像不行 image

Phil26AT commented 2 months ago

If I understand your issue correct (please post your issues in english), you want to use SIFT with LightGlue. You need to load the correct weights in LightGlue, with:

extractor = SIFT(max_num_keypoints=None).eval().cuda()  # load the extractor
matcher = LightGlue(features='sift').eval().cuda()  # load the matcher

Note that you need to specify which weights to load in the constructor of LightGlue (the SIFT setup is defined here).