cvg / LightGlue

LightGlue: Local Feature Matching at Light Speed (ICCV 2023)
Apache License 2.0
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LightGlue on cases with either 90 or 180 degree rotation #64

Open Abdi-Ghasem opened 10 months ago

Abdi-Ghasem commented 10 months ago

Thanks for sharing this cool repo! I've been getting great results with image pairs where "up is up." However, I'm curious about cases where there's a 90-degree or even 180-degree rotation. It seems to work when we manually rectify those images before applying the technique. But I'm wondering if there's a way to do this without the manual step.

"up is up" scenario: 1

"up is not up" scenarios: 2


sarlinpe commented 10 months ago

Yes this is a known limitation of learned local features (vs SIFT). This does not matter much in practice thanks to a pretty common trick: simply try to rotate the image by {90,180,270}° if it consistently has few matches with other images (assuming that most images in your set are upright). This is not yet part of hloc but could be a nice addition.

Abdi-Ghasem commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the reply. I think adding a training stream to find this rotation automatically or even detect features in different angles followed by concatenating them together would be a temporary solution to this limitation.

Phil26AT commented 10 months ago

Hi @Abdi-Ghasem

The underlying problem is that the descriptors (SuperPoint, DISK) are not rotation-invariant. There have been great works adressing this issue with steerable CNNs in deep matchers, like SE2-LoFTR. The same could be done with LightGlue.

Abdi-Ghasem commented 10 months ago

Hello @Phil26AT,

Thanks for your response and for sharing those helpful links. Since the training code for LightGlue hasn't been released yet, does that mean we can't make use of Steerable CNNs? I'm curious if there are alternative rotation invariant descriptors that can be used with LightGlue. As far as I know, the interface currently only accepts DISK and SuperPoint.

sunset326 commented 9 months ago

Hello @Phil26AT,

Thanks for your response and for sharing those helpful links. Since the training code for LightGlue hasn't been released yet, does that mean we can't make use of Steerable CNNs? I'm curious if there are alternative rotation invariant descriptors that can be used with LightGlue. As far as I know, the interface currently only accepts DISK and SuperPoint.



Hi, have you found a method to use rotation invariant descriptors with LightGlue?

qiao89757 commented 9 months ago

Hi, have you found a way to use rotation invariant descriptors in LightGlue?Looking forward to your reply.