cvg / pixel-perfect-sfm

Pixel-Perfect Structure-from-Motion with Featuremetric Refinement (ICCV 2021, Best Student Paper Award)
Apache License 2.0
1.29k stars 132 forks source link

undefined symbol: H5Literate2 #107

Open MuseumMage opened 1 year ago

MuseumMage commented 1 year ago

I have installed libhdf5-dev by sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev and the version is 1.10.4+repack-11ubuntu1.

Running this line above, it said undefined symbol: H5Literate2. I found that and it says H5Literate2 since version 1.12.0.

from pixsfm.util.visualize import init_image, plot_points2D
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/zjlab/data/virtual_real/pixel-perfect-sfm/", line 9, in <module>
    from pixsfm.util.visualize import init_image, plot_points2D
  File "/home/zjlab/data/virtual_real/pixel-perfect-sfm/pixsfm/", line 17, in <module>
    from ._pixsfm import *  # noqa F403
ImportError: /home/zjlab/data/virtual_real/pixel-perfect-sfm/pixsfm/ undefined symbol: H5Literate2
