cvg / pixel-perfect-sfm

Pixel-Perfect Structure-from-Motion with Featuremetric Refinement (ICCV 2021, Best Student Paper Award)
Apache License 2.0
1.29k stars 132 forks source link

Scaling PixSfM to thousands of images #23

Closed hturki closed 2 years ago

hturki commented 2 years ago

First of all, thanks for the great work. In the paper and project page the authors mention scaling PixSfM to thousands of images. I'm however running into issues doing the same with datasets ranging in the 1600-3000 image range. Two of the datasets in question can be found at:

My code looks roughly like:

def main(hparams: Namespace) -> None:
    output_path = Path(hparams.output_path)
    output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    feature_conf = extract_features.confs['superpoint_max']
    matcher_conf = match_features.confs['superglue']

    images_path = Path(hparams.images_path)

    images = sorted(images_path.iterdir())
    references = [str(images[i].relative_to(images_path)) for i in range(len(images))]
    print(len(references), 'mapping images')

    features_path = output_path / 'features.h5'
    sfm_pairs_path = output_path / 'pairs-sfm.txt'
    matches_path = output_path / 'matches.h5'

    extract_features.main(feature_conf, images_path, image_list=references, feature_path=features_path)
    pairs_from_gps.main(sfm_pairs_path, images_path, references, 50) # Custom matcher that uses the GPS metadata to match only to the 50 closest pairs
    match_features.main(matcher_conf, sfm_pairs_path, features=features_path, matches=matches_path)

    sfm = PixSfM(conf={"dense_features": {"use_cache": True}})

    ref_dir = output_path / 'ref'
    refined, sfm_outputs = sfm.reconstruction(ref_dir, images_path, sfm_pairs_path, features_path, matches_path,

And in particular the keypoint adjustment phase seems to be taking a very long time. Some examples so far:

1678 mapping images                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
[2022/02/04 18:28:11 pixsfm.features.models.s2dnet INFO] Loading S2DNet checkpoint at /home/ubuntu/pixel-perfect-sfm/pixsfm/features/models/checkpoints/s2dnet_weights.pth.                                                                        
[2022/02/04 18:28:25 pixsfm INFO] Loaded dense extractor with configuration:                                                                                                                                                                       
{'cache_format': 'chunked',                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 'device': 'auto',                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 'dtype': 'half',                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 'fast_image_load': False,                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
 'l2_normalize': True,                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
 'load_cache_on_init': False,                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 'max_edge': 1600,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 'model': {'name': 's2dnet', 'num_layers': 1, 'checkpointing': None, 'output_dim': 128, 'pretrained': 's2dnet', 'remove_pooling_layers': False, 'combine': False},                                                                                 
 'overwrite_cache': False,                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
 'patch_size': 16,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 'pyr_scales': [1.0],                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
 'resize': 'LANCZOS',                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
 'sparse': True,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 'use_cache': True}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                [2022/02/04 18:29:52 pixsfm INFO] Building matching graph...                                                                                                                                                                                       
[2022/02/04 18:31:00 pixsfm INFO] Extracting dense features...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1678/1678 [1:05:39<00:00,  2.35s/it]|
[2022/02/04 19:36:40 pixsfm INFO] Loading featuremaps from H5 File.                                                                                                                                                                                
100%[████████████████████] 1678/1678 [00:51, 32.4514it/s]                                                                                                                                                                                          
[2022/02/04 19:37:32 pixsfm INFO] Computing tracks...                                                                                                                                                                                              
[2022/02/04 19:37:32 pixsfm INFO] # graph nodes: 6001799                                                                                                                                                                                           
[2022/02/04 19:37:38 pixsfm INFO] # graph edges: 87565132                                                                                                                                                                                          
[2022/02/04 19:39:26 pixsfm INFO] # tracks: 655998                                                                                                                                                                                                 
[2022/02/04 19:39:31 pixsfm INFO] Start feature-metric keypoint adjustment.                                                                                                                                                                        
[2022/02/04 19:39:35 pixsfm WARNING] 13887 / 115040 problems have more than 50 keypoints.                                                                                                                                                          
         Maximum keypoints in a problem: 202                                                                                                                                                                                                       
 74%[███████████████     ] 4484836/6001799 [171:56:55, 7.24511it/s]

Another example seems to be getting slower over time:

[2022/02/05 12:35:10 pixsfm INFO] Loading featuremaps from H5 File.
1940 mapping images
[2022/02/05 11:47:44 pixsfm.features.models.s2dnet INFO] Loading S2DNet checkpoint at /data/hturki/pixel-perfect-sfm/pixsfm/features/models/checkpoints/s2dnet_weights.pth.
[2022/02/05 11:47:44 pixsfm.features.models.s2dnet INFO] Downloading S2DNet weights.
[2022/02/05 11:47:51 pixsfm INFO] Loaded dense extractor with configuration:
{'cache_format': 'chunked',
 'device': 'auto',
 'dtype': 'half',
 'fast_image_load': False,
 'l2_normalize': True,
 'load_cache_on_init': False,
 'max_edge': 1600,
 'model': {'name': 's2dnet', 'num_layers': 1, 'checkpointing': None, 'output_dim': 128, 'pretrained': 's2dnet', 'remove_pooling_layers': False, 'combine': False},
 'overwrite_cache': False,
 'patch_size': 16,
 'pyr_scales': [1.0],
 'resize': 'LANCZOS',
 'sparse': True,
 'use_cache': True}
[2022/02/05 11:48:51 pixsfm INFO] Building matching graph...
[2022/02/05 11:50:23 pixsfm INFO] Extracting dense features...
100%[████████████████████] 1938/1938 [00:10, 183.748it/s]
[2022/02/05 12:35:21 pixsfm INFO] Computing tracks...
[2022/02/05 12:35:21 pixsfm INFO] # graph nodes: 6696955
[2022/02/05 12:35:28 pixsfm INFO] # graph edges: 84325871
[2022/02/05 12:38:06 pixsfm INFO] # tracks: 761986
[2022/02/05 12:38:13 pixsfm INFO] Start feature-metric keypoint adjustment.
[2022/02/05 12:38:19 pixsfm WARNING] 16060 / 125998 problems have more than 50 keypoints.
         Maximum keypoints in a problem: 265
  0%[                    ]   59491/6696955 [01:18:26, 12.6392it/s]
 10%[██                  ]  729223/6696955 [23:18:52, 8.68822it/s]
 10%[██                  ]  729290/6696955 [23:19:05, 8.68761it/s]
 25%[█████               ] 1718493/6696955 [70:43:00, 6.75028it/s]
 27%[██████              ] 1830843/6696955 [76:13:28, 6.67195it/s]
 41%[████████            ] 2765893/6696955 [121:42:58, 6.31225it/s]
 49%[██████████          ] 3347643/6696955 [150:00:06, 6.19926it/s]

And same for a third example

3019 mapping images
[2022/02/06 12:12:32 pixsfm.features.models.s2dnet INFO] Loading S2DNet checkpoint at /home/cloudlet/hturki/pixel-perfect-sfm/pixsfm/features/models/checkpoints/s2dnet_weights.pth.
[2022/02/06 12:12:36 pixsfm INFO] Loaded dense extractor with configuration:
{'cache_format': 'chunked',
 'device': 'auto',
 'dtype': 'half',
 'fast_image_load': False,
 'l2_normalize': True,
 'load_cache_on_init': False,
 'max_edge': 1600,
 'model': {'name': 's2dnet', 'num_layers': 1, 'checkpointing': None, 'output_dim': 128, 'pretrained': 's2dnet', 'remove_pooling_layers': False, 'combine': False},
 'overwrite_cache': False,
 'patch_size': 16,
 'pyr_scales': [1.0],
 'resize': 'LANCZOS',
 'sparse': True,
 'use_cache': True}
[2022/02/06 12:14:03 pixsfm INFO] Building matching graph...
[2022/02/06 12:16:14 pixsfm INFO] Extracting dense features...
  5%|██████████▏                                                                                                                                                                                              | 153/  5%|██████████▎                                                                                                                                                                                              | 154/  5%|██████████▎                                              100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3019/3019 [1:08:49<00:00,  1.37s/it]
[2022/02/06 13:25:03 pixsfm INFO] Loading featuremaps from H5 File.
100%[████████████████████] 3019/3019 [00:17, 172.998it/s]
[2022/02/06 13:25:21 pixsfm INFO] Computing tracks...
[2022/02/06 13:25:21 pixsfm INFO] # graph nodes: 11090098
[2022/02/06 13:25:27 pixsfm INFO] # graph edges: 122388899
[2022/02/06 13:34:55 pixsfm INFO] # tracks: 834854
[2022/02/06 13:35:05 pixsfm INFO] Start feature-metric keypoint adjustment.
[2022/02/06 13:35:13 pixsfm WARNING] 41539 / 141697 problems have more than 50 keypoints.
         Maximum keypoints in a problem: 1022
  0%[                    ]    28755/11090098 [12:26, 38.5155it/s]
  0%[                    ]    42692/11090098 [29:23, 24.2052it/s]
  0%[                    ]    62858/11090098 [50:21, 20.8059it/s]
 16%[███                 ]  1884721/11090098 [23:21:01, 22.4207it/s]
 37%[████████            ]  4142028/11090098 [78:01:34, 14.7458it/s]
 45%[█████████           ]  5016151/11090098 [114:52:32, 12.1294it/s]
 46%[█████████           ]  5208388/11090098 [125:06:01, 11.5649it/s]

The specs for the machines across each of these runs varies a bit, but they're pretty powerful machines (>100GB of ram, dozens of cores, SSD mounts)

I've also tried running PixSfM on an even larger example (matching only against the 20 closest neighbors instead of 50), where keypoint adjustment throws an exception. I've trying reducing the output dim and patch size to no avail:

5871 mapping images
[2022/02/11 08:29:37 hloc INFO] Extracting local features with configuration:
{'model': {'max_keypoints': 4096, 'name': 'superpoint', 'nms_radius': 3},
 'output': 'feats-superpoint-n4096-rmax1600',
 'preprocessing': {'grayscale': True, 'resize_force': True, 'resize_max': 1600}}
Loaded SuperPoint model
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5871/5871 [16:57<00:00,  5.77it/s]
[2022/02/11 08:46:38 hloc INFO] Finished exporting features.
[2022/02/11 08:46:41 hloc INFO] Obtaining pairwise distances between 5871 images...
[2022/02/11 08:46:43 hloc INFO] Found 117230 pairs.
[2022/02/11 08:46:43 hloc INFO] Matching local features with configuration:
{'model': {'name': 'superglue',
           'sinkhorn_iterations': 50,
           'weights': 'outdoor'},
 'output': 'matches-superglue'}
Loaded SuperGlue model ("outdoor" weights)
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 117230/117230 [6:16:43<00:00,  5.19it/s]
[2022/02/11 15:03:29 hloc INFO] Finished exporting matches.
[2022/02/11 15:03:31 pixsfm.features.models.s2dnet INFO] Loading S2DNet checkpoint at /compute/autobot-1-1/hturki/pixel-perfect-sfm/pixsfm/features/models/checkpoints/s2dnet_weights.pth.
[2022/02/11 15:03:31 pixsfm INFO] Loaded dense extractor with configuration:
{'cache_format': 'chunked',
 'device': 'auto',
 'dtype': 'half',
 'fast_image_load': False,
 'l2_normalize': True,
 'load_cache_on_init': False,
 'max_edge': 1600,
 'model': {'name': 's2dnet', 'num_layers': 1, 'checkpointing': None, 'output_dim': 64, 'pretrained': 's2dnet', 'remove_pooling_layers': False, 'combine': False, 'patch_size': 8},
 'overwrite_cache': False,
 'patch_size': 8,
 'pyr_scales': [1.0],
 'resize': 'LANCZOS',
 'sparse': True,
 'use_cache': True} # Have also tried keeping everything in memory
[2022/02/11 15:04:33 pixsfm INFO] Building matching graph...
[2022/02/11 15:07:55 pixsfm INFO] Extracting dense features...
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5871/5871 [45:08<00:00,  2.17it/s]
[2022/02/11 15:53:04 pixsfm INFO] Computing tracks...
[2022/02/11 15:53:04 pixsfm INFO] # graph nodes: 21615817
[2022/02/11 15:53:12 pixsfm INFO] # graph edges: 106782076
[2022/02/11 15:55:08 pixsfm INFO] # tracks: 2955327
[2022/02/11 15:55:28 pixsfm INFO] Start feature-metric keypoint adjustment.
[2022/02/11 15:55:52 pixsfm WARNING] 206052 / 906513 problems have more than 20 keypoints.
         Maximum keypoints in a problem: 487
  0%[                    ]        0/21615817 [00:00, -nanit/s][2022/02/11 15:56:13 pixsfm ERROR] Child process threw exception in problem 0.

Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong, or is a week+ runtime to be expected no matter what? I've gotten suboptimal results on these (drone imagery-related) datasets using even commercial photogrammetry software, so excited to see if I can get better results with your featuremetric approach!

sarlinpe commented 2 years ago

Hi @hturki, Nice to see that you're giving it a try on larger datasets :)

First, about the data: it seems that the connectivity of your aerial images is much higher than we usually have in street-level imagery. You can see that 10%-20% of the tracks have more than 20 keypoints. This is definitely more challenging for the keypoint adjustment. To speed this up, you can switch to the topological_reference strategy:

sfm = PixSfM(conf={"dense_features": {"use_cache": True}, "KA": {"strategy": "topological_reference"}})

This reduces the number of optimization constraints and is thus much faster (linear vs quadratic) but less accurate. It is described in Appendix B3 of the paper.

Even with >100GB of RAM, you might later run into trouble with the bundle adjustment. If this happens, I suggest to switch to the costmaps strategy (described in Appendix C):

sfm = PixSfM(conf={
    "dense_features": {"use_cache": True},
    "KA": {"strategy": "topological_reference"},
    "BA": {"strategy": "costmaps"},

These tweaks are also described in the Large-scale refinement section of the README.

Let me know how this helps, I am also curious to see how far we can push this.

hturki commented 2 years ago

Hi @Skydes - thanks for the tips! It definitely looks like KA is roughly 3-4x faster so far when using topological reference - will let you know how that goes.

In the interim, one of the keypoint adjustment phases actually finished, and as expected bundle adjustment ran out of memory. Before continuing on with bundle adjustment however, I noticed that I ended up with 4 sub-models instead of a unified one:

2022/02/14 11:05:15 pixsfm INFO] KA Time: 833130s, cost change: 0.105714 --> 0.0934429
[2022/02/14 11:05:21 hloc INFO] Creating an empty database...
[2022/02/14 11:05:22 hloc INFO] Importing images into the database...
[2022/02/14 11:10:40 hloc INFO] Importing features into the database...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1678/1678 [00:01<00:00, 926.34it/s]
[2022/02/14 11:10:43 hloc INFO] Importing matches into the database...
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 83900/83900 [00:48<00:00, 1718.56it/s]
[2022/02/14 11:11:40 hloc INFO] Performing geometric verification of the matches...
[2022/02/14 11:18:41 hloc INFO] Running 3D reconstruction...
[2022/02/14 13:12:05 hloc INFO] Reconstructed 4 model(s).
[2022/02/14 13:12:05 hloc INFO] Largest model is #2 with 461 images.
[2022/02/14 13:12:06 hloc INFO] Reconstruction statistics:
        num_reg_images = 461
        num_cameras = 1
        num_points3D = 198133
        num_observations = 1459604
        mean_track_length = 7.36679
        mean_observations_per_image = 3166.17
        mean_reprojection_error = 1.01235
        num_input_images = 1678

What's more is that the largest model referenced in the message (2) seems to be missing:

hloc  refined_keypoints.h5  s2dnet_featuremaps_sparse.h5

cameras.bin  database.db  images.bin  merge1  models  points3D.bin

cameras.bin  images.bin  points3D.bin

0  1  2  3

cameras.bin  images.bin  points3D.bin

cameras.bin  images.bin  points3D.bin

/home/ubuntu/rubble-pixsfm/ref/hloc/models/2: # empty

cameras.bin  images.bin  points3D.bin

I tried using colmap's model merger ( to merge the models together before running bundle adjustment, but the process failed:

(nerf_pl) ubuntu@cloudlet021:~$ colmap model_merger --input_path1 /home/ubuntu/rubble-pixsfm/ref/hloc/models/0 --input_path2 /home/ubuntu/rubble-pixsfm/ref/hloc/models/1 --output_path /home/ubuntu/rubble-pixsfm/ref/hloc/merge1

Reconstruction 1
Images: 402
Points: 169521

Reconstruction 2
Images: 402
Points: 166642

Merging reconstructions
=> Merge failed
(nerf_pl) ubuntu@cloudlet021:~$ colmap model_merger --input_path1 /home/ubuntu/rubble-pixsfm/ref/hloc/models/0 --input_path2 /home/ubuntu/rubble-pixsfm/ref/hloc/models/3 --output_path /home/ubuntu/rubble-pixsfm/ref/hloc/merge1

Reconstruction 1
Images: 402
Points: 169521

Reconstruction 2
Images: 413
Points: 167221

Merging reconstructions
=> Merge failed

FWIW opening the individual models in Colmap seems to provide sensible results, and they seem to cover the same area, so I'd assume that there is overlap between the models. Do you know what might be happening / have you run into this issue with pixsfm/hloc in the past?

Phil26AT commented 2 years ago

Hi @hturki,

the low runtimes were probably also related to unnecessary copies during parallel keypoint adjustment. We pushed a fix to main which should significantly speed up KA on your datasets. With the low_memory config, 10 cores and SSD storage, we achieve around 4000 iterations/second during KA on the Aachen v1.1 dataset (7000+ images) with superpoint+superglue features. On large datasets like yours, we expect less than 1sec/image during KA on standard machines.

To further speed up the refinement, I suggest setting KA.max_kps_per_problem=1000 to reduce threading- and synchronization overhead. You can also reduce the patch size to 10x10 or 8x8 to further reduce I/O time.

Please let us know if this improves your runtimes.

hturki commented 2 years ago

Hi @Phil26AT - as an update I can confirm that the latest commits makes keypoint adjustment much faster. The bottleneck is now currently on the colmap reconstruction before the bundle adjustment stage:

Suggestions welcome, or else I'll keep you posted on how things go!

hturki commented 2 years ago

I managed to get a decent large (3000'ish) reconstruction from COLMAP after running keypoint adjustment and I'm now running into a segmentation fault during bundle adjustment with costmaps:

3019 mapping images
[2022/02/16 15:45:56 pixsfm.features.models.s2dnet INFO] Loading S2DNet checkpoint at /home/cloudlet/hturki/pixel-perfect-sfm/pixsfm/features/models/checkpoints/s2dnet_weights.pth.
[2022/02/16 15:45:59 pixsfm INFO] Loaded dense extractor with configuration:
{'cache_format': 'chunked',
 'device': 'auto',
 'dtype': 'half',
 'fast_image_load': False,
 'l2_normalize': True,
 'load_cache_on_init': False,
 'max_edge': 1600,
 'model': {'name': 's2dnet', 'num_layers': 1, 'checkpointing': None, 'output_dim': 128, 'pretrained': 's2dnet', 'remove_pooling_layers': False, 'combine': False},
 'overwrite_cache': False,
 'patch_size': 16,
 'pyr_scales': [1.0],
 'resize': 'LANCZOS',
 'sparse': True,
 'use_cache': True}
[2022/02/16 15:46:50 pixsfm INFO] Loading featuremaps from H5 File.
100%[████████████████████] 3019/3019 [00:08, 339.633it/s]
[2022/02/16 15:47:00 pixsfm INFO] Extracting references and costmaps.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

My code is roughly:

def main(hparams: Namespace) -> None:
    output_path = Path(hparams.output_path)
    output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    images_path = Path(hparams.images_path)

    images = sorted(images_path.iterdir())
    references = [str(images[i].relative_to(images_path)) for i in range(0, len(images), hparams.train_every)]
    print(len(references), 'mapping images')

    sfm = PixSfM(conf={"dense_features": {"use_cache": True},
                       'KA': {'dense_features': {'use_cache': True}, 'max_kps_per_problem': 1000},
                       'BA': {'strategy': 'costmaps'}})

    ref_dir = output_path / 'ref'
    reconstruction, ba_data, _ = sfm.refine_reconstruction(ref_dir, hparams.model_path, images_path)
    print('Refined', reconstruction.summary(), ba_data)

Note that the segfault doesn't seem to occur (at least immediately) when not using costmaps, but the memory constraints are prohibitive:

3019 mapping images
[2022/02/16 15:36:12 pixsfm.features.models.s2dnet INFO] Loading S2DNet checkpoint at /home/cloudlet/hturki/pixel-perfect-sfm/pixsfm/features/models/checkpoints/s2dnet_weights.pth.
[2022/02/16 15:36:15 pixsfm INFO] Loaded dense extractor with configuration:
{'cache_format': 'chunked',
 'device': 'auto',
 'dtype': 'half',
 'fast_image_load': False,
 'l2_normalize': True,
 'load_cache_on_init': False,
 'max_edge': 1600,
 'model': {'name': 's2dnet', 'num_layers': 1, 'checkpointing': None, 'output_dim': 128, 'pretrained': 's2dnet', 'remove_pooling_layers': False, 'combine': False},
 'overwrite_cache': False,
 'patch_size': 16,
 'pyr_scales': [1.0],
 'resize': 'LANCZOS',
 'sparse': True,
 'use_cache': True}
[2022/02/16 15:37:06 pixsfm INFO] Loading featuremaps from H5 File.
100%[████████████████████] 3019/3019 [00:08, 340.360it/s]
[2022/02/16 15:37:15 pixsfm INFO] Loading patches from H5 File.
Killed ]  901006/8833782 [08:19, 1803.99it/s]
Phil26AT commented 2 years ago

Hi @hturki,

Non-merged COLMAP reconstructions can have multiple reasons. Often small viewpoint overlap or too sparse feature matching can cause this. I suggest posting this issue in the COLMAP repo.

I managed to get a decent large (3000'ish) reconstruction from COLMAP after running keypoint adjustment and I'm now running into a segmentation fault during bundle adjustment with costmaps:

Thanks for reporting this again. On some systems a missing GIL caused a segfault during costmap extraction (#21), we pushed a fix to fix-costmaps.

Please let us know if this solves your problem with large-scale refinements.

hturki commented 2 years ago

Hey folks, things seem to work end-to-end now! I managed to get a unified colmap model by having my custom matcher match within a wider window. At this point, the main bottleneck seems to be the COLMAP 3d reconstruction, which took roughly 2 days for a 2500-image model. But I'm guessing there's not much to be done there on the pixsfm side.

Thanks again for all of the help!