cvg / pixel-perfect-sfm

Pixel-Perfect Structure-from-Motion with Featuremetric Refinement (ICCV 2021, Best Student Paper Award)
Apache License 2.0
1.34k stars 139 forks source link

Aborted (core dumped) during 3D reconstruction #71

Closed CCOSerika closed 2 years ago

CCOSerika commented 2 years ago

Hi, author. I met the issue when testing the demo.ipynb. The complete info is as follows.

10 mapping images
[2022/09/20 14:58:31 hloc INFO] Extracting local features with configuration:
{'model': {'max_keypoints': 4096, 'name': 'superpoint', 'nms_radius': 3},
 'output': 'feats-superpoint-n4096-r1024',
 'preprocessing': {'grayscale': True, 'resize_max': 1024}}
[2022/09/20 14:58:31 hloc INFO] Skipping the extraction.
[2022/09/20 14:58:31 hloc INFO] Found 45 pairs.
[2022/09/20 14:58:31 hloc INFO] Matching local features with configuration:
{'model': {'name': 'superglue',
           'sinkhorn_iterations': 50,
           'weights': 'outdoor'},
 'output': 'matches-superglue'}
[2022/09/20 14:58:31 hloc INFO] Skipping the matching.
[2022/09/20 14:58:32 pixsfm.features.models.s2dnet INFO] Loading S2DNet checkpoint at /media/.../pixel-perfect-sfm-fix-ceres-v2.2.0/pixsfm/features/models/checkpoints/s2dnet_weights.pth.
[2022/09/20 14:58:35 pixsfm INFO] Loaded dense extractor with configuration:
{'cache_format': 'chunked',
 'device': 'auto',
 'dtype': 'half',
 'fast_image_load': False,
 'l2_normalize': True,
 'load_cache_on_init': False,
 'max_edge': 1024,
 'model': {'name': 's2dnet'},
 'overwrite_cache': False,
 'patch_size': 16,
 'pyr_scales': [1.0],
 'resize': 'LANCZOS',
 'sparse': True,
 'use_cache': False}
[2022/09/20 14:58:35 pixsfm INFO] Building matching graph...
[2022/09/20 14:58:35 pixsfm INFO] Extracting dense features...
  0%|          | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
[2022/09/20 14:58:36 pixsfm INFO] Computing tracks...
[2022/09/20 14:58:36 pixsfm INFO] # graph nodes: 10930
[2022/09/20 14:58:36 pixsfm INFO] # graph edges: 17944
[2022/09/20 14:58:36 pixsfm INFO] # tracks: 3227
[2022/09/20 14:58:36 pixsfm INFO] Start feature-metric keypoint adjustment.
100%[████████████████████] 10930/10930 [00:01, 7852.01it/s]
[2022/09/20 14:58:37 pixsfm INFO] KA Time: 1.39268s, cost change: 0.0232016 --> 0.0213704
[2022/09/20 14:58:37 hloc WARNING] The database already exists, deleting it.
[2022/09/20 14:58:37 hloc INFO] Creating an empty database...
[2022/09/20 14:58:38 hloc INFO] Importing images into the database...
[2022/09/20 14:58:38 hloc INFO] Importing features into the database...
  0%|          | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
[2022/09/20 14:58:38 hloc INFO] Importing matches into the database...
  0%|          | 0/45 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
[2022/09/20 14:58:38 hloc INFO] Performing geometric verification of the matches...
[2022/09/20 14:58:39 hloc INFO] Running 3D reconstruction...
Aborted (core dumped)

I checked the code and found the issue lies in pycolmap.incremental_mapping. Any ideas to solve it?

ubuntu18.04 cuda11.1 python3.8 torch1.8.1+cu111 torchvision0.9.1+cu111 colmap and pycolmap are all installed from source.

sarlinpe commented 2 years ago

Can you please report the output of the reconstruction step in verbose mode?

refined, sfm_outputs = sfm.reconstruction(..., verbose=True)
CCOSerika commented 2 years ago

The output is as follows.

[2022/09/20 16:40:02 hloc INFO] Performing geometric verification of the matches...

Custom feature matching

Matching block [1/1] in 0.831s
Elapsed time: 0.014 [minutes]
[2022/09/20 16:40:03 hloc INFO] Running 3D reconstruction...

Loading database

Loading cameras... 10 in 0.000s
Loading matches... 45 in 0.000s
Loading images... 10 in 0.001s (connected 10)
Building correspondence graph... in 0.003s (ignored 0)

Elapsed time: 0.000 [minutes]

Finding good initial image pair

Initializing with image pair #9 and #8

Global bundle adjustment

Aborted (core dumped)
CCOSerika commented 2 years ago

I run it successfully on the other computer. Maybe the inconsistent versions of dependencies caused this issue. Thanx a lot for ur work.