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Debian 9.7 make apt-install fails (as in Ubuntu 18.04.1) #136

Closed nicolatron closed 4 years ago

nicolatron commented 5 years ago

Similar to the problems pointed in Ubuntu 18.04.1

root@nicopc:~/Netdot# lsb_release -da No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 9.7 (stretch) Release: 9.7 Codename: stretch

root@nicopc:~/Netdot# make apt-install Installing required APT packages /usr/bin/perl bin/ apt-install

Which RDBMS do you plan to use as backend: [mysql|Pg]? Pg

We need to add a temporary repository of Netdot dependencies until all packages are in Debian/Ubuntu official repositories. Would you like to continue? [y/n] y Use of uninitialized value $debian_version in pattern match (m//) at bin/ line 171, line 2. Updating package indexes from sources Ign:1 stretch InRelease Obj:2 stretch-updates InRelease Obj:3 stretch Release
Obj:4 stretch/updates InRelease
Ign:6 stable InRelease
Obj:7 stable Release Ign:9 unstable/ InRelease Des:10 unstable/ Release [1.578 B] Ign:11 unstable/ Release.gpg Des:12 unstable/ Sources [5.124 B] Des:13 unstable/ Packages [5.411 B] Descargados 12,1 kB en 2s (4.355 B/s) Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho W: El repositorio « unstable/ Release» no está firmado. N: Los datos de un repositorio como este no se pueden autenticar y por tanto su uso es potencialmente peligroso. N: Vea la página de manual apt-secure(8) para los detalles sobre la creación de repositorios y la configuración de usuarios. Use of uninitialized value $debian_version in pattern match (m//) at bin/ line 196, line 2. Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho Nota, seleccionando «perl-modules-5.24» en lugar de «libtime-local-perl» Nota, seleccionando «perl-modules-5.24» en lugar de «libfile-spec-perl» El paquete dnssec-tools no está disponible, pero algún otro paquete hace referencia a él. Esto puede significar que el paquete falta, está obsoleto o sólo se encuentra disponible desde alguna otra fuente Sin embargo, los siguientes paquetes lo reemplazan: libnet-dns-zonefile-fast-perl

E: El paquete «dnssec-tools» no tiene un candidato para la instalación There was a problem running apt-get -y --force-yes install --no-install-recommends apache2 libapache2-mod-perl2 rrdtool librrds-perl graphviz libgraphviz-perl libmodule-build-perl libcgi-pm-perl libclass-dbi-perl libclass-dbi-abstractsearch-perl libapache2-request-perl libhtml-mason-perl libapache-session-perl liburi-perl libsql-translator-perl libsnmp-info-perl netdisco-mibs-installer libnetaddr-ip-perl libapache2-authcookie-perl libapache2-sitecontrol-perl liblog-dispatch-perl liblog-log4perl-perl libparallel-forkmanager-perl libnet-patricia-perl libauthen-radius-perl libtest-simple-perl libtest-exception-perl libnet-irr-perl libtime-local-perl libfile-spec-perl libnet-appliance-session-perl libbind-config-parser-perl libnet-dns-perl libcarp-assert-perl libdigest-sha-perl libssl-dev dnssec-tools libsocket6-perl libxml-simple-perl snmp postgresql libdbd-pg-perl libcrypt-cast5-perl Makefile:81: fallo en las instrucciones para el objetivo 'apt-install' make: *** [apt-install] Error 25

I just manually executed the apt-get command withoud the dnssec-tools and it worked:

apt-get -y --force-yes install --no-install-recommends apache2 libapache2-mod-perl2 rrdtool librrds-perl graphviz libgraphviz-perl libmodule-build-perl libcgi-pm-perl libclass-dbi-perl libclass-dbi-abstractsearch-perl libapache2-request-perl libhtml-mason-perl libapache-session-perl liburi-perl libsql-translator-perl libsnmp-info-perl netdisco-mibs-installer libnetaddr-ip-perl libapache2-authcookie-perl libapache2-sitecontrol-perl liblog-dispatch-perl liblog-log4perl-perl libparallel-forkmanager-perl libnet-patricia-perl libauthen-radius-perl libtest-simple-perl libtest-exception-perl libnet-irr-perl libtime-local-perl libfile-spec-perl libnet-appliance-session-perl libbind-config-parser-perl libnet-dns-perl libcarp-assert-perl libdigest-sha-perl libssl-dev libsocket6-perl libxml-simple-perl snmp postgresql libdbd-pg-perl libcrypt-cast5-perl

Only missing dependency after that was: Net::DNS::ZoneFile::Fast..........................MISSING

And that was solved by installing: apt-get install libnet-dns-zonefile-fast-perl

One could guess that the name of the apt changed from dnssec-tools to libnet-dns-zonefile-fast-perl from one debian version to another.

BTW right now, i'm not using the official repo but the one from becouse I want to test his PaloAlto API changes. Anyway on this weekend at home i installed Netdot from the official Repo on a Debian 9.7 and had the same errors.