cvigilv / esqueleto.nvim

Reduce your boilerplate code the lazy-bones way
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fix: error when entering new file whose name matches one of the patterns case insensitively #27

Open Futarimiti opened 1 year ago

Futarimiti commented 1 year ago

Hi, another issue found when testing.

Minimum reproducible example:

-- config
require('esqueleto').setup { patterns = { '' } }

Then, with nvim, create and edit file (or whatever filename as long as it insensitively matches '' e.g., mAIn.PY...), will trigger the following error:

Error detected while processing BufWinEnter Autocommands for "":
Error executing lua callback: ...l/share/nvim/lazy/esqueleto.nvim/lua/esqueleto/utils.lua:18: attempt to concatenate local 'pattern' (a
 nil value)
stack traceback:
        ...l/share/nvim/lazy/esqueleto.nvim/lua/esqueleto/utils.lua:18: in function 'gettemplates'
        ...l/share/nvim/lazy/esqueleto.nvim/lua/esqueleto/utils.lua:86: in function 'inserttemplate'
        ...share/nvim/lazy/esqueleto.nvim/lua/esqueleto/autocmd.lua:21: in function <...share/nvim/lazy/esqueleto.nvim/lua/esqueleto/au

And after some debugging, I believe here's the reason:

  1. Patterns provided by users are directly passed as autocmd patterns:
        { "BufWinEnter", "BufReadPost", "FileType" },
          group = group,
          desc = "esqueleto.nvim :: Insert template",
          pattern = opts.patterns,  -- { '' }
          callback = function()
            local filepath = vim.fn.expand("%")
            local emptyfile = vim.fn.getfsize(filepath) < 4
            if emptyfile then utils.inserttemplate(opts) end

    Though not directly documented in the manual, it seems that autocmd patterns are indeed case-insensitive, therefore matches the and the callback is executed.

  2. Then, within inserttemplate:

    M.inserttemplate = function(opts)
      -- Identify if pattern matches user configuration
      local pattern = nil
      if not _G.esqueleto_inserted[filepath] then
        -- match either filename or extension. Filename has priority
        if vim.tbl_contains(opts.patterns, filename) then
          pattern = filename
        elseif vim.tbl_contains(opts.patterns, filetype) then
          pattern = filetype
        -- Get templates for selected pattern
        local templates = M.gettemplates(pattern, opts.directories)

    Where vim.tbl_contains, which is case-sensitive, is used to get that pattern. Of course, opts.patterns does not contain, and pattern, without nil-checks, will be passed to gettemplates to be concatenated with filepaths.