cvjena / darknet

Extension of the public darknet repository with additional features and code improvements for YOLO.
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Bad yolo cfg file #5

Open iraadit opened 7 years ago

iraadit commented 7 years ago


The config file yolo.cfg doesn't seem to work anymore. When using this config file, the probabilities are really high and YOLO is detecting objects everywhere.

Using yolo2.cfg (or yolo.cfg that is in pjreddie's repository), the detection is going all right.

iraadit commented 7 years ago

I think that as pjreddie has updated the yolo.cfg file (one [local] and one [dropout] layers instead of the before last [connected] layer), he has also updated the pre-trained weights available on his website.

Using your code with his config and weights file is working; but your config file isn't compatible anymore with the weights file available on his website.