cvjena / fido-pytorch

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Attribute Error: "log_adds" #1

Open Mishalfatima opened 1 month ago

Mishalfatima commented 1 month ago

Hi! I am facing the following error while running your code. I am using hugging face pytorch models. The function "log_odds" is unrecognizable.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/", line 619, in main() File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/", line 592, in main results = validate(args) File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/", line 427, in validate, predicted_class, model, config=fido_config) File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/fido_pytorch/src/fido/", line 144, in fit masks, probs, loss, l1_norm, tvl = self.objective(im, y, clf, batch_size=config.batch_size) File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/fido_pytorch/src/fido/", line 127, in objective prob, odds = clf.log_odds(_x, c=y) File "/work/mfatima/miniconda3/envs/TvS/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1688, in getattr raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).name}' object has no attribute '{name}'") AttributeError: 'ConvNeXt' object has no attribute 'log_odds'

DiKorsch commented 1 month ago


in my experiments, I use pytorch-lighning and wrap the backbones into a pl.LightningModule class. Hence, I could define the method directly in the pl.LightningModule class. I would suggest you try the following:

import torch as th
import lightning as pl
import torch.nn as nn

class Classifier(pl.LightningModule):
    def __init__(self, model: nn.Module):
        self.model = model

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
         pass # your training code

    def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
         pass # your validation code

    def log_odds(self, X, *, c):
        logits = self.model(X)
        log_probs = logits.log_softmax(axis=1)
        mask = th.ones_like(log_probs[:1])
        mask[:, c] = 0
        log_odds = log_probs[:, c] - th.logsumexp(log_probs * mask, dim=1)
        return log_probs[:, c].exp(), log_odds

Alternatively, you can also subclass from nn.Module directly:

class Classifier(nn.Module):
    # the rest is the same, but you don't have to define training_step and validation_step, but the forward method

I hope this helps you.

Mishalfatima commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the response! After implementing the changes you suggested, code seems to be running fine, but I run into another error at the following line: (

log-odds loss

            loss +
            # regularization
            reg_scale(i, config.reg_warmup) * (config.l1 * l1_norm + * tvl)

The error is: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/", line 616, in main() File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/", line 589, in main results = validate(args) File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/", line 426, in validate, predicted_class, model, config=fido_config) File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/fido_pytorch/src/fido/", line 160, in fit ( File "/work/mfatima/miniconda3/envs/TvS/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/", line 522, in backward torch.autograd.backward( File "/work/mfatima/miniconda3/envs/TvS/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 266, in backward Variable._execution_engine.run_backward( # Calls into the C++ engine to run the backward pass RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn.

The forward pass of model happens under torch.no_grad().

DiKorsch commented 1 month ago

You need gradients to estimate the FIDO maps, meaning you should call outside of the torch.no_grad() context.

Mishalfatima commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the answer! Lastly, update_callback() is none everywhere, but you have called it inside the fit function which ends up giving the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/", line 616, in main() File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/", line 589, in main results = validate(args) File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/", line 426, in validate, predicted_class, model, config=fido_config) File "/work/mfatima/pytorch-image-models/fido_pytorch/src/fido/", line 183, in fit update_callback(i, is_last_step=True) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

DiKorsch commented 1 month ago

Oh, I forgot an "is not None" check right there... I've just updated the code, but I don't have the permissions to merge the pull request right now. You can check out the latest code in my fork of this repo:

Mishalfatima commented 1 month ago


After fitting FIDO, which function returns the join mask as proposed in your work?

DiKorsch commented 1 month ago

There are properties for the dropout rates: ssr_dropout_rate, sdr_dropout_rate, joint_dropout_rate. But when you need the "keep mask", then check out the fido.plot(...) method ( It's a bit complicated because we are dealing with counter-probabilities.

Mishalfatima commented 1 month ago

In the paper, you mention that you use estimated attribution maps to enhance performance. So, basically, you use predicted joint masks to perturb input image and estimate classification performance?

DiKorsch commented 1 month ago

No, we used the attribution masks to estimate the regions that are most important to the classification and use these regions to extract an additional patch from the image, which is then used in the classification model as additional input. Then, we combined predictions and this enhanced the classification performance.