cvlab-ai / polish_banknotes

Czytnik Polskich Banknotów is a mobile app for detecting polish banknotes using neural networks
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link

DISCUSSION: Less camera frames to save battery. #84

Closed jankejc closed 1 year ago

jankejc commented 1 year ago

At first it sounds good, but when I dived into it I don't see point of it in the current app. Let me explain. We are using const number of last labels (inferences) to increase accuracy of model. One inference is one camera frame. So if we limit number of frames than it will take longer to recognize banknote. On older devices it is slower, on newer it is faster. What's the place of a battery consumption in whole that discussion? When the user has better phone it will take him less time to get the recognition thus he will quicker leave the app making the consumption lower. I think it's fair. We can't jump above the performance of the smartphone.

Let me know what you think!