cvlab-epfl / tf-lift

Tensorflow port of LIFT (ECCV 2016), with training code.
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Reproduce images matching of your publication #30

Closed MBocchi closed 5 years ago

MBocchi commented 5 years ago

Hi, I saw your publication about the matching keypoints/descriptors of skull's image. The result are impressive and I would like to reproduce it, but I am not able to do it.

I have converted the keypoints list of both images to OpenCV format thanks to the kp_list_2_opencv_kp_list() function, but I don't know how to match the descriptors. Does the descriptors are compatible with OpenCV format to use cv2.BFMatcher().match(desc1, desc2) ? Or maybe you used antoher way to match images...

Thank you!

kmyi commented 5 years ago

We simply use nearest neighbor matching, I think the BFMatcher does the same probably.... However, you can probably just code that part yourself easily.