cvogt / cbt

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better type error messages through scalac-cosmetics #183

Open cvogt opened 8 years ago

cvogt commented 8 years ago

integrating could help make error messages much nicer

cvogt commented 8 years ago

could probably be a plugin, but not sure

cvogt commented 8 years ago

scalac-cosmetics is very very rough. It used to be based on regexes and I half ported it over to FastParse. The streaming part of it is tricky because we don’t want to delay error messages for parsing

I just pushed a branch temp, which includes some changes I did before Scala Days. I wrote scalac-cosmetics before I knew I’d be writing CBT. I originally anticipated it as interception stdout/stderr/stdin of sbt and scalac. That actually somewhat worked

One thing I had trouble with when I tried that before Scala Days is hooking scalac-cosmetics onto zinc’s input output streams in CBT. should be totally possible, but I somehow blanked how to do that and ended up showing screen shots instead

architecture-wise I guess ideally we’d turn scalac-cosmetics into a library that a cbt plugin consumes. no need to publish to maven for now, we can just make it a GitDependency

cvogt commented 8 years ago

@rockjam said he wanted to take a look

rockjam commented 8 years ago

@cvogt yep, I will have some time at thursday to start it

cvogt commented 7 years ago


cvogt commented 7 years ago
