cvogt / cbt

CBT - fun, fast, intuitive, compositional, statically checked builds written in Scala
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Compile error when trying to use cbt on Windows #561

Closed frankwhofmann closed 6 years ago

frankwhofmann commented 6 years ago

Followed instructions in Tutorial/Installation. Tried with both 'master' and '2.12.1' branches (as I have Scala 2.12. installed), but in both cases the sbt didn't came up, but produced the following compile error. Hoping to get a hint here. BTW: Nailgun server was running. I don't know what it could mean (in the program ouput) to 'install Nailgun server' on any machine, be it windows or Linux.

D:\WORKSPACES\SWDEV\github-clones\github-root\cvogt>git clone -b 2.12.1 Cloning into 'cbt'... remote: Counting objects: 6042, done. remote: Total 6042 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 6041 Receiving objects: 100% (6042/6042), 1.27 MiB | 853.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (3509/3509), done. Checking connectivity... done.

D:\WORKSPACES\SWDEV\github-clones\github-root\cvogt>cbt You need to install Nailgun Server to make CBT slightly faster. You need to install gpg for login. Note: nc not found. It will make slightly startup faster. Compiling cbt/nailgun_launcher D:\WORKSPACES\SWDEV\github-clones\github-root\cvogt\cbt\nailgun_launcher\ error: package cbt.reflect does not exist import cbt.reflect.TrapSystemExit; ^ D:\WORKSPACES\SWDEV\github-clones\github-root\cvogt\cbt\nailgun_launcher\ error: package cbt.reflect does not exist import cbt.reflect.TrapSystemExit; ^ D:\WORKSPACES\SWDEV\github-clones\github-root\cvogt\cbt\nailgun_launcher\ error: cannot find symbol System.setSecurityManager( TrapSystemExit.createSecurityManager(initialSecurityManager) ); ^ symbol: variable TrapSystemExit location: class NailgunLauncher D:\WORKSPACES\SWDEV\github-clones\github-root\cvogt\cbt\nailgun_launcher\ error: cannot find symbol new TrapSystemExit(){ ^ symbol: class TrapSystemExit location: class Stage0Lib D:\WORKSPACES\SWDEV\github-clones\github-root\cvogt\cbt\nailgun_launcher\ error: cannot find symbol return ^ symbol: variable TrapSystemExit location: class Stage0Lib 5 errors


sake92 commented 6 years ago

@frankwhofmann can you try now? I've been working on cbt.bat recently, and it should work now. Note that there are still some bugs to be discovered.

cvogt commented 6 years ago

I'll close this for now as fixed. Please re-open if it doesn't work.