cvondrick / vatic

Efficiently Scaling Up Video Annotation with Crowdsourced Marketplaces. IJCV 2012
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Turkic Publish Issue in Vatic Offline mode without using Anaconda Distribution #43

Open arpan8514 opened 8 years ago

arpan8514 commented 8 years ago


I am facing issue to use vatic in offline mode. I am not using any anaconda distribution. The url generated by the command "turkic publish --offline" throws server error message.

The command "turkic status --verify" gives the following output:

Configuration: Sandbox: True Database: mysql://root@localhost/vatic Localhost: http://localhost/

Testing access to Amazon Mechanical Turk... ERROR! Signature or access key missing Testing access to database server... OK Testing access to web server... OK

One or more tests FAILED!

My /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf file is as follows.

WSGIDaemonProcess www-data WSGIProcessGroup www-data <VirtualHost *:80>


ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

DocumentRoot /var/www/html

    DocumentRoot /VA2/vatic/public
    WSGIScriptAlias /server /VA2/vatic/
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

turkic status gives the following output:

Configuration: Sandbox: True Database: mysql://root@localhost/vatic Localhost: http://localhost/

Status: Available: 253 Published: 0 Completed: 0 Compensated: 0 Remaining: 0

Server is offline.

I will be waiting for any suggestion. Thanks in advance. Regards Arpan Ghose

arpan8514 commented 8 years ago

I am sharing my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf file once again as it was not showing properly in my previous post.

WSGIDaemonProcess www-data WSGIProcessGroup www-data

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /VA2/vatic/public WSGIScriptAlias /server /VA2/vatic/ ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Please suggest me.

Manikuntala commented 8 years ago

I am not using anakonda and getting the same error. Can anybody help me?

floriandotpy commented 8 years ago

In the case of non-anaconda Python, it could be related to your wsgi process not having access to the python directory. It seems like it even needs write access, which I don't quite understand?

But in any case, this could also be related to any python error happening in the server. Unfortunately, the exception is not shown in the browser. It will however be written to the ErrorLog defined in your VirtualHost.

So if you haven't done so already, add a line like the following to your VirtualHost definition:

ErrorLog /var/log/apache/error-vatic.log

In my case, I needed some more Python dependencies installed, where the import statement was simply failing. I installed vatic on Mac OS X and needed to make a lot of adjustments to the installation process to finally get it running.

Hope this gives some ideas to people struggling with the same issue in the future.