cvra / beacons

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communication between robots and beacons #11

Open 31415us opened 9 years ago

Kwasar commented 9 years ago

rf-modul code from Nuft:

antoinealb commented 9 years ago

After talking with @Stapelzeiger and @froj it may be easier to do it using a simple UART to bluetooth dongle. The driver is simpler to write : it is just UART so the hardware part is already done. Using the nRF24L01 doesn't really provide benefits here, we have a low bandwith requirement and we don't really care about latency. Also using bluetooth is nice because you can easily debug it.

We have some bluetooth board laying around in the clubroom, maybe they are in Debra 4.

31415us commented 9 years ago

whatever floats your boat^^ as long as it works in the end i'm happy. will rename the issue accordingly