cvra / pid

A PID controller implementation
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Synchronization #8

Closed Stapelzeiger closed 10 years ago

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

Setters and getters are not synchronized with the PID control function. How should we handle synchronization of such functions?

One solution would be to restrict the code to processor architectures where float read & writes are atomic. This would reduce the problem to a few places where multiple floats must absolutely be written/read atomically. But after the discussion about stdints the general attitude seems to be in favor of portability.

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

Bah, synchronization issues never happen, do they ? ;)

We could add a mutex to the PID structure to lock access to the PID instance. Or use the ATOMIC block currently discussed.

froj commented 10 years ago

What about

void pid_set_gains(pid_filter_t *pid, float kp, float ki, float kd)
        pid->kp = kp;
        pid->ki = ki;
        pid->kd = kd;
antoinealb commented 10 years ago

I don't like #ifdef. They tend to be quite an anti-pattern and make the code pretty difficult to maintain. In addition, they make the code harder to test. The main problem with locking interrupts on a platform where it is not needed is increased interrupt latency. I think reducing this latency is not worth adding such complexity to the code. So I would suggest either :

void pid_set_gains(pid_filter_t *pid, float kp, float ki, float kd)
        pid->kp = kp;
        pid->ki = ki;
        pid->kd = kd;

or the second option, which is cleaner IMHO :

void pid_set_gains(pid_filter_t *pid, float kp, float ki, float kd)
    pid->kp = kp;
    pid->ki = ki;
    pid->kd = kd;
Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

I agree with not using #ifdefs. The problem I see with mutexes is overhead and most importantly the possibility that you block the (high priority) control loop by a low priority PID config. Edit: Ok, uC OS II has priority inheritance on mutexes so the blocking should be less of a problem (still some contexts switches though)

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

If you lock interrupts, you also block the control loop...

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

Yes, but only for ~10 instructions. BTW also interrupts block the control loop

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

I think we should avoid prematures optimization like this. I feel like they are responsible for a lot of the code rot we had in the previous codebase. Let's stick to correctness and implement a fast version if we realize the correct version is not fast enough.

pierluca commented 10 years ago

agreed with Antoine -> KISS (keep it simple)

it's a very short snippet of code, from an aesthetic point of view I also prefer the mutex BUT I have no clue about mutex/critical_section performance.

On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Antoine Albertelli <> wrote:

I think we should avoid prematures optimization like this. I feel like they are responsible for a lot of the code rot we had in the previous codebase. Let's stick to correctness and implement a fast version if we realize the correct version is not fast enough.

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Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

avoid prematures optimization like this.

If are you referring to #ifdefs, then yes.

For mutex vs critcal section I prefer critical sections, since they have less overhead and achieve exactly the same thing. The induced interrupt latency is negligible. Edit: my preference for critical sections is only in places where we simply copy a few values. for more complex operations I would use mutexes.

msplr commented 10 years ago

Mutexes are internally implemented with a critical section anyway. So why not just use a critical section directly?

31415us commented 10 years ago

just to be clear about terminology: by 'critical section' you all mean simply masking interrupts?

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

@31415us yes

One reason I see to use mutex would be that using this kind of high level constructs, you can more easily test your code. Plus, we will probably use a mutex around pid_process anyway.

msplr commented 10 years ago

I think this should be a general decision, whether to use critical sections or mutexes for short operations.

Personally, I'm against using locks, where a short critical section is possible. Mostly because of Performance and mermory reasons. (the mutex would probably use more memory than the pid struct)

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

Plus, we will probably use a mutex around pid_process anyway.

why that?

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

We have to decide how we would implement the lock around pid_process. We have two options :

  1. We copy the struct and do the computation on the local copy before writing back the results. Initial read and write are performed in a critical section.
  2. We use a mutex to lock the parameters when we do the computation.
31415us commented 10 years ago

I'd rather not see masked interrupts in application code, seems terribly improper,

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

I think it would be option 1 if we use critical sections and option 2 if we use locks for setting parameters. Option 2 doesn't help if you use critical sections for setters.

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

According to uc/OS-III doc :

µC/OS-III defines one macro for entering a critical section and two macros for leaving:


These macros are internal to µC/OS-III and must not be invoked by the application code. However, if you need to access critical sections in your application code, consult Resource Management.

Also, about disabling interrupts :

It is highly recommended to not use this method as it impacts interrupt latency.

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

And what does it say in Resource Management?

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

When access to shared resource is very quick (reading from or writing to few variables) and access is faster than µC/OS-III’s interrupt disable time.

It is highly recommended to not use this method as it impacts interrupt latency.

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

The real question is : how long does it take to acquire a mutex ? We will probably be taking between 2000 and 3000 mutex per second (control loop running at 1kHz). For the memory occupation it should not be a problem as a mutex is only a few bytes.

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

Worst case the task that has the mutex has to be scheduled, finish it's operation and reschedule the other task waiting to acquire the mutex. So 2x context switch + time to finish "critical section" of the task that has the mutex. (This is assuming the task in possession of the lock doesn't itself wait on another resource, but this should be avoided anyway so I'm not considering this option.)

pierluca commented 10 years ago

can't we just make a simple test with old hardware? 100 lines of code and you'll have your answer. it's probably simpler than all of us arguing here :-)

On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Antoine Albertelli <> wrote:

The real question is : how long does it take to acquire a mutex ? We will probably be taking between 2000 and 3000 mutex per second (control loop running at 1kHz). For the memory occupation it should not be a problem as a mutex is only a few bytes.

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antoinealb commented 10 years ago

The problem with synchronization implementation 1 I described above is : it does not protect you from race conditions. Suppose the following order of events :

  1. You copy all fields in an atomic operation.
  2. Another task calls pid_reset_integral
  3. You write back the new integrator value which is not correct anymore. If the task who called pid_reset_integral was a security task, you now broke something.

The only way around this is to make entire pid_process a critical section (uh-oh interrupt latency) or to use a mutex.

edit : agree that we should maybe prototype something.

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

I agree, you have to make the integrator read-modify-write atomic. (but not necessarily the entire function)

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

Now we are moving more and more code into a critical section... this will lead to bugs. I don't like bugs.

It is just so much easier and less prone to error to lock at the begining of function and unlock at the end.

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

The code is the same using mutexes or "critical sections".

froj commented 10 years ago

I think we should listen to the uC/OS-III user manual and not use interrupt masking in application code. This leaves us with

IMO if we don't have enough CPU time to use mutexes, we should reconsider our choice of MCU/RTOS.

31415us commented 10 years ago

by mutex do you mean a reentrant lock?

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

By mutex we mean a binary semaphore with priority inheritance. I don't know what a re-entrant lock is.

IMO if we don't have enough CPU time to use mutexes, we should reconsider our choice of MCU/RTOS.

I would rephrase as : if we don't have enough CPU time to use mutexes, we don't have enough CPU time.

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

Semaphores are not an option because they don't have priority inheritance. Locking only the scheduler would be better than locking interrupts.

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

by mutex do you mean a reentrant lock?

I don't think uC/OS-III supports reentrant mutexes

froj commented 10 years ago

Locking only the scheduler would be better than locking interrupts.

Yes, but you'd make the uC/OS devs sad:

It is recommended not to use this method since it defeats the purpose of using μC/OS-III.

pierluca commented 10 years ago

I don't think uC/OS-III supports reentrant mutexes

It does.

µC/OS-III enables the user to nest ownership of mutexes. If a task owns a mutex, it can own the same mutex up to 250 times. The owner must release the mutex an equivalent number of times. In several cases, an application may not be immediately aware that it called OSMutexPend() multiple times, especially if the mutex is acquired again by calling a function as shown in Listing 13-12.

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

Plus, they already tell us what the best is :

This (mutex) is the preferred method for accessing shared resources, especially if the tasks that need to access a shared resource have deadlines.

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

I agree, you have to make the integrator read-modify-write atomic. (but not necessarily the entire function)

Read-Modify-Write of a float on a platform without FPU is slower than uc/OS-III interrupt latency.

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

Plus, they already tell us what the best is :

So what are we still discussing?

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

Interrupt latency is optimization and overrated. Only the highest priority interrupt has the guaranteed latency. For every lower priority interrupt the execution time of all higher priority interrupts add to their latency.

But I agree that in the PID example we have probably reached a critical point, where the latency gets too big.

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

We still need to decide how we handle simpler cases, where we really only copy a few bytes.

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

An option for the PID that I see, if mutexes turn out to have too much overhead, is using message passing for setters & getters.

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

I think if the only operation performed is a copy, then we can use critical sections. However, as soon as we start doing computations on those shared elements, we should switch to mutexes or whatever.

The idea of message passing is good, but since there is a lot of added complexity, I suggest we use it only in case of throughput problems.

31415us commented 10 years ago

Please don't mask interrupts in application code the overhead for using the correct higher level abstraction can't be that bad, can it?

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

I think if the only operation performed is a copy, then we can use critical sections. However, as soon as we start doing computations on those shared elements, we should switch to mutexes or whatever.

agreed. So let's use mutexes for the PID controller.

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

@31415us It's not really bad, it's just that when you do it a few thousands times per second, it starts to add.

Preparing a patch for sync.

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

Please don't mask interrupts in application code the overhead for using the correct higher level abstraction can't be that bad, can it?

what makes you think that masking interrupts is not "correct"? And in certain cases the overhead can get too big.

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

It would make writing tests for the sync code much easier if #9 gets merged (I would be able to inspect mutex state without a getter for the mutex).

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

I thought about the synchronization of PID parameters. I think synchronization should not be part of the PID module. Instead we could have the the control loop check if any of the pid parameters must be changed before each control-loop execution. There we could use message passing or locks like we use now. The advantage is, that the PID-code is free of synchronization stuff. We used this approach for the nastya control loop. Because like I see it, we will have exactly the same problem with the filter module, and all the other "configurable" functions.

What do you think about moving synchronization out of "math" functions to the caller for all parameter changes?

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

That's probably the best way to do it. But how would you do it ? message box ?

Stapelzeiger commented 10 years ago

What we did on nasty was disabling interrupts to check if the param-value has changed (check of a bool) and if it changed, update the PID parameters from the control loop thread-context. (we did this using the "param" module) Message boxes would be an option too. The check for changes in the control loop was quite messy in terms of LOC because we checked for each parameter separately.

antoinealb commented 10 years ago

This seems pretty messy. Message box would be much cleaner I think :)