cwchenwang / NeRF-SR

[ACM MM 2022] NeRF-SR: High-Quality Neural Radiance Fields using Supersampling
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metric of nerf-synthetic/ficus #12

Open DHPark98 opened 3 weeks ago

DHPark98 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, thank you for your work and code. For Blender x4(200x200, ss & w/o refine), I ran the "". For ficus dataset of NeRF-synthetic, psnr that I got was 22.69, which is quite lower that I expected. So could you give your psnr number of ficus?

Of course, I changed the hyperparameters : H=800, W=800, and downscale=4.

I read events file for psnr : logs/nerf-sr/blender-down4-ficus-800x800-ni64-dp-ds4/fine_psnr_ori_val_full -> 22.69

And after I render the test set(""), I also calculated the psnr between rendered views and test GT manually: 22.70

cwchenwang commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, the psnr for ficus is 26.635. I htink the fine_psnr_ori_val_full is only evaluated on one view, not the full scene.

DHPark98 commented 3 weeks ago

I trained nerf-sr w/ ficus dataset once again, and rendered test views. Unfortunately, PSNR didn't increase : 22.73 Could you check my bash file below..?

dataset="ficus" epoch=20 W=800 H=800 accelerator="dp" downscale=4 N_importance=64 batch_size=1024 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE=0 python --name blender-down${downscale}-$dataset-${H}x${W}-ni${N_importance}-${accelerator}-ds${downscale} --accelerator $accelerator \ --dataset_mode blender_downX --dataset_root dataset/nerf_synthetic/${dataset} --val_epoch_split test \ --checkpoints_dir ./checkpoints/nerf-sr --summary_dir ./logs/nerf-sr \ --img_wh $W $H --batch_size $batch_size \ --n_epochs ${epoch} --n_epochs_decay 10 \ --print_freq 100 --vis_freq 1000 --val_freq 1000 --val_epoch_freq 20 --vis_epoch_freq 20 --save_epoch_freq 5 \ --model nerf_downX --N_coarse 64 --N_importance $N_importance \ --lr_policy exp --sigma_activation relu --lr 5e-4 --lr_final 5e-6 \ --downscale ${downscale}

cwchenwang commented 3 weeks ago

How did you get the PSNR? On all images?

DHPark98 commented 2 weeks ago

yes, average PSNR of 200 test images.

cwchenwang commented 2 weeks ago

That's weird. The training script looks ok to me, I can try to find my previous checkpoints, but it may take some time.