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Request user consent each time a new wallet/signer is linked to their account? #27

Closed neatonk closed 1 month ago

neatonk commented 7 months ago

To strengthen this link, each time a new wallet is generated, the user could be presented with the new wallet/signer address (or public key) and asked to click a button to confirm that they consent to using this to sign and certify the attestations produced through their use of the service.

Alternatively, this could be baked into the TOS, indicating that one or more wallets/signers will be generated on each device and used in this way. Whether explicit consent is required to effectively link the wallet/signer to the user is a question for the lawyers.

neatonk commented 7 months ago

@Mesawallet @ath3y This is a question for you to consider when drafting the TOS and potentially something to consider for future development. Happy to speak on this more if you have questions.