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Merge: Global audio player and queue #50

Open neatonk opened 3 weeks ago

neatonk commented 3 weeks ago


Copy the global player and queue implementation from the mesa-app repo and adjust it to accommodate external files hosted on IPFS or Arweave.


Additional considerations

Kunkka0822 commented 3 weeks ago

I've set up the UI and foundational elements of the global player.

Kunkka0822 commented 3 weeks ago

@neatonk To integrate IPFS-hosted external files, I am looking to use the ipfs-http-client node module. However, after installing it, I've hit a snag with a Module Not Found error related to the 'ethers' package, specifically for ./lib/utils.

Module not found: Package path ./lib/utils is not exported from package /root/kunkka/mesa/node_modules/.pnpm/@thirdweb-dev+react@4.6.30_@ethersproject+abstract-provider@5.7.0_@ethersproject+abstract-sig_l5jp5qim7fhmxsn5ocb4o7rhtm/node_modules/ethers (see exports field in /root/kunkka/mesa/node_modules/.pnpm/@thirdweb-dev+react@4.6.30_@ethersproject+abstract-provider@5.7.0_@ethersproject+abstract-sig_l5jp5qim7fhmxsn5ocb4o7rhtm/node_modules/ethers/package.json)

I'm seeing this error when trying to use the module in 'WithWallet.tsx'.

Even though I've double-checked the 'ethers' installation and the import paths, which all look good, and I've tried reinstalling the node modules, the issue won't go away.

I'd really appreciate any advice or tips on fixing this. image

neatonk commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @Kunkka0822, you may be able to fix this by removing your node_modules folder then running pnpm i for a fresh install. If not, you can commit your changes to a new branch and push it to GH for review. I'll have a look and see if I can reproduce the issue. Just include "WIP" in the commit and branch name so we know it's unfinished.

Kunkka0822 commented 3 weeks ago

@neatonk I've just pushed codebase to new branch. Please check, Thanks!

neatonk commented 3 weeks ago

I think if you use pnpm v6 it will just work...

If you can, install pnpm v6 and then try again.

You may need to restore the lock file and reinstall the deps. e.g.

git restore pnpm-lock.yaml
pnpm i
neatonk commented 3 weeks ago

Btw, this is temporary workaround. The issue will be resolved upstream by removing or upgrading the thirdweb sdk and the related ethers compatibility shim code.

Kunkka0822 commented 3 weeks ago

Okay, I got it.