cweill / gotests

Automatically generate Go test boilerplate from your source code.
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Tests generated with -parallel should use t.Parallel() at the top level of a Test function as well as in the subtest functions #188

Open edgio-mwodrich opened 6 months ago

edgio-mwodrich commented 6 months ago

Huge thanks for the addition of -parallel in the first place, it's really handy; just wanted to point out a potential improvement for it here.

Tests generated with -parallel currently only use t.Parallel() in subtest functions, so they run afoul of the golangci-lint linter tparallel: which looks for certain inappropriate uses of t.Parallel().

Tests should use t.Parallel() both at the beginning of each Test_ function and at the beginning of each subtest function for optimal parallelism.


func Test_Table2(t *testing.T) {

    tests := []struct {
        name string
            name: "Table2_Sub1",
            name: "Table2_Sub2",

    for _, tt := range tests {
        tt := tt
        t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {