cwq159 / PyTorch-Spiking-YOLOv3

A PyTorch implementation of Spiking-YOLOv3. Two branches are provided, based on two common PyTorch implementation of YOLOv3(ultralytics/yolov3 & eriklindernoren/PyTorch-YOLOv3), with support for Spiking-YOLOv3-Tiny at present.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Why is the SpikeRelu never called? #28

Open songguangchao opened 3 years ago

songguangchao commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your amazing work. I have a question about SpikeRelu not being called. In the following code, if the input is determined to be a SpikeTensor then it is returned directly. Why is this happening? Is there something wrong with me?

cwq159 commented 3 years ago

If the input is a SpikeTensor, which is a time series of 0 or 1, then it should be maintained.