cwrc / CWRC-Mapping-Timelines-Project

CWRC Mapping and Timelines Project
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Prevent events from overwriting the date on the timeline (at bottom of the panel) and render the dates more visible than the dark gray #3

Open ilovan opened 10 years ago

robinetmiller commented 9 years ago

"When one of event markers is clicked on in the timeline or on the map, the pop-up that results covers the actual timeline. " - Mihaela screenshot

robinetmiller commented 9 years ago

There are a few possible solutions to the overlapping. The choice of which solution depends heavily on what the exact problem is, and what CWRC's preferences are:

  1. Drawing a popup centred in the timeline.
    • Pro: This would no longer cover the timeline controls / minimap.
    • Con: Would still cover the other event pins.
  2. Drawing a popup below the timeline entirely.
    • Pro: Would not cover the timeline at all.
    • Con: Would cover map instead
  3. Inserting a permanent widget between the map and the timeline that would update its content to the currently selected pin.
  4. Same as 3, but instead placing it in the left bar, below the facet filters.
    • Pros: Same as 3, but also would not move the map.
    • Cons: Also loses the pointer association
  5. and, of course, just leaving it as is.

Personally I favour 4, but I can see how you may prefer other solutions; especially if the left bar is normally more full than it is now. RSC-SRC, for example, has a lot of text in that area, but it likely could be moved to under the map, or to another page entirely.

ilovan commented 9 years ago

we talked about this today (Susan and I) and we think option 3 is preferable. 4 is good too, but we feel it shifts the focus for the user from one area of the screen to the other.

ilovan commented 9 years ago

@robinetmiller , we talked a bit more about this today, and we would like the information in the widget to be structured in the following way:

Date (or date range), place [normal font] Event Label [bold] Event description [normal font]