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VIAF search results: sometimes only part of name displays #69

Open jefferya opened 9 years ago

jefferya commented 9 years ago

Within VIAF, search for "Bertrand Russell". The list of results displays "Russell," The selector indicating the display name is pulling only the family name subfield for this record as the "name" is divided across multiple fields in the first mainHeadingEl element.

Hypothesis, the path in the following is not comprehensive enough.

("recordData > ns" + i + "\:VIAFCluster > ns" + i + "\:mainHeadings > ns" + i + "\:mainHeadingEl > ns" + i + "\:datafield > ns" + i + "\:subfield[code='" + codeSelector + "']");

jefferya commented 9 years ago

Increased sophistication to default to MARC21 with a rare fall-back to UNIMARC (just the surname).

jefferya commented 9 years ago

Needs to be tested within Islandora