cwrc / HuViz

LOD visualization tool for humanities datasets
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Illegible labels on crowded shelf #365

Open SusanBrown opened 4 years ago

SusanBrown commented 4 years ago

When datasets are large and the shelf is crowded, you can't read the labels because of the combination of overlap and transparency, even though they enlarge when moused over. They need an opaque white or black background, or some other solution, to be legible when moused over.

smurp commented 4 years ago

@wolfmaul @SusanBrown @antimony27 Can we consider the options available to solve this problem?

  1. Would something like the transparencies which we are using in the graph itself would work on the (sometimes very) crowded shelf?
  2. Would automatic adjustment of the Fisheye Zoom and the Fisheye Radius to accommodate a full shelf help? When the mouse is close to the shelf? When the shelf is known to be full? etc.

For example Unitarian Novelist Biographies only has 1056 nodes
