cwrc / Islandora-CWRC-Writer

Islandora wrapper for the CWRC-Writer.
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SPARQL: admin schema autocomplete - check syntax for triplestore swap #9

Open jefferya opened 6 years ago

jefferya commented 6 years ago

What this does?

How to test


joelacummings commented 6 years ago

This is ok provided within the ontology the full URIs are Within SPARQL when you provide <> you are saying this is the full IRI and I do not want to use a prefix. Without seeing the data I cannot say for sure but as an example if in the turtle such a line exists:

@prefix :     <> .
:book12 <info:fedora/fedora-test:label> "Bleh Blah" .

Then I could query it one of two ways, without a prefix:

SELECT ?pid ?text
    ?pid <info:fedora/fedora-test:label> ?text

or using a prefix (more conventional since it is terse and makes related elements of the same namespace easy to grab)

PREFIX :fedora <info:fedora/fedora-test:>

SELECT ?pid ?text 
    ?pid fedora:label ?text

Note that I specified ':' at the end of the URI in my prefix as that is what used in the turtle was used, it could also be '#'if that was used.

What seems likely to me is that 'fedora-model' is a longer URI in the ontology and that should be be a prefix with that URI but again it is possible that is not the case.

jefferya commented 6 years ago
