cwrc / RDF-extraction

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Review and update labels of entities #35

Open alliyya opened 2 years ago

alliyya commented 2 years ago

This issue is to track issues related to the labelling of entities to ensure consistency and readability.

Add onto this list/issue any entity that could be better labelled with a checkbox and suggestion if possible. Provide examples in existing data where this occurs.

alliyya commented 2 years ago

Related query of used Labels in LINCS Extraction+as+%3Ftypes)

alliyya commented 2 years ago

Related snippets from Today's meeting:

Can we “frontload” labels to be more descriptive for annotations?

  • Events (chronstructs) could pull in the year for instance (e.g. 1940:VirginaWoolf [])
  • Place can be pulled for Spatial Events
  • If both chronstruct AND place, privilege date information?
  • “Woman” gender
  • “Suffrage” political context

Character count for labels in RS in Knowledge Map view may further inform the labels