cwrc / ontology

CWRC ontology - primary repository
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Review altlabels and hidden labels #555

Open alliyya opened 2 years ago

alliyya commented 2 years ago

These labels are used in the mapping for conversion so it would be good to assess whether or not they are appropriate matches or if a new term should be created.

This is a tedious task of going through each term and their altlabels and also looking through the ontology for better matches. But it will result in more accurate data extraction.

Example: Advertising has some dubious alternative labels as publicity != advertising necessarily unless there's missing context on my end.


alliyya commented 1 year ago

Also would be good to review hidden labels, as the data could be enhanced by adding an appropriate reg attribute instead of adding weird hidden label that doesn't add any meaning to the entity.

ex. cwrc:nursing We have the following unsightly hidden labels:

fn helped found the east london nursing society.

in 1877 she nursed george odger, the first parliamentary labour candidate, during his fatal illness.

as hidden labels as a result of the following tags,


FN helped found the East London Nursing Society. ` `In 1877 she nursed George Odger, the first parliamentary labour candidate, during his fatal illness. ` These tags both likely could be enhanced instead of being a hidden label for cwrc:nursing. Work would be needed to go through hidden labels, make a judgement call and then investigate the context and then make additions to the [Orlando Clean up spreadsheet]( as needed
SusanBrown commented 1 year ago

Good idea. Aliza may be able to help with this kind of thing too.